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July 2007

Epilogue to Apathetics of America

In beginning there was a land of plenty, full of opportunity and an abundance of zeal for the betterment of all. It was a time when a new citizen was born to the world, free from the entrapments of mind, the tyrannies of injustice and horrors of theocratic rule. Here was to be a citizen inspired and educated to create and participate in a commonwealth based on equality and justice for all. It was a transcendent, indivisible time for a land that disdained the dreary, dead beliefs of its lord-filled past for the clear and full-hearted anthems of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Theirs was a great new trinity founded in a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Not long after this hard won victory had written itself upon the hearts and minds of that country and the world, the alien hordes of dense, dark and incorrigible ignorance who had succeeded in ravaging their own lands took note and slowly began to invade, infest, and riddle the young nation, its public domain and political arenas with their empty headed self-serving venoms of delusion. As a mask for their unmitigated greed and murderous assaults on life they announced that their gods had become angry because there was no mention of them in the documents written to set that nation free. They declared that their particular gods were each one more jealous and greedy than the other and needed to muscle in, take possession of whatever they could get their hands on, and insisted that everybody else had to be as stupid as they were by showing deference and obedience to their god, purported to be the best god, the one and only god, the true god, the one that delivered.

To prove how big and mighty their god was, they unleashed it’s wrath upon everything worth living for, tore down culture, education, dismantled all inalienable rights of the free and living, turned women into dogs, men into pigs, trees into toilet paper, poisoned their foods, killed and crippled their children with the nightmares of violence, disease and war, enslaved the meek and indefensible, polluted the land, the air, the water, and turned that country into an internationally despised government of torturers, liars, and thieves. Completely unconscious of who they themselves were and utterly devoid of any and all self-knowledge these devout monsters were all experts on what their god liked and did not like which they unabashedly inflicted upon everyone and everything within their sight. After the faithful had slaughtered off and exterminated all the indigenous peoples of the land they had stolen, they turned their cruel butcheries and degenerate doctrines of death upon all the other unbelievers until, at last, they turned upon themselves. Each sect claimed that they were the true and official children of their god whose duty was to kill and maim all the false ones which they did each unto the other with such a vicious lust of spirit that their metastasis was unstoppable. Ever mad for more blood and chaos, they censored and crushed every aspect of public and private life until the very nation they set out to usurp so long ago had finallysuccumbed to their own grim idiotic death wish, a place suitable only for their own species and their diabolical gods, a lifeless shit-hole of endless suffering and despair. Hurrah, they rejoiced, a country all their own, ripped-off, raped and brutalized, a nation no longer of the people but of their god, by their god and for their god—a land made rotten for their salvation by the very god whose name nothing lived to remember.

In fact, nothing at all would have been known of that pointless speck of dull futile demise once called planetary paradise except for this, a meager, hollow-toned missive retrieved from the galactic hyperspace of that once prosperous dream, written just before it collapsed into its black hole of lunatic of beliefs, written just before its last vision for hope had been trampled by the righteous boots of hatred, fear, and ignorance, before it was strangled by its own religious blather, suffocated by indifference, made mad with its pharmaceuticals and booze, depleted of all will for anything but cheap entertainment, plastic imitations, sugar-coated lies, and mortally blinded by their failure to see the very miseries of belief they had wrought upon themselves and the world. Yes—a few words the author had hoped to present as a last cry, a last brief burst of reason against the pernicious legions of true-believers and their compliant masses of political apathetics—those living dead, the mindless surplus of parasitic cowards who would stand up for nothing, not for the earth that sustained them, not for those who fought and died for their freedoms, not for the children of their tomorrows, not even for themselves, and whose mute majority had finally silenced all voices forever.

Besides the essay that follows were these few words written in the margins of the appeal just before the author had himself been extinguished. They read: “Fuck you. Get out of my country and take your stinking gods with you!”