Chapter 4: Fishing with Bombs

Location: Raderie Pier

The sunlight scatters across the water, and makes the river sparkle like diamonds, as a single girl stands at the pier.

Ari: Hmm.. where shall I fish?

Ari hears footstep and turns around and see's Snitz running towards her.

Snitz: Hi Ari! What are you doing?

Ari: I'm fishing and what are you doing here??

Snitz: Err.. I though that you'd like some company.

Ari: I don't need your company, you can just go home.

Snitz: hmm.. ok, I'll go.. talk about mean.

Ari: I'm not mean.. only to you.. heh..heh..heh.

Snitz: gee, thanks. *Snitz walks away*

Ari: now that the idiot has gone.

Ari takes out one of her little bombs from her bag and lights it and throws it in the river. A small explosion occurs and a bunch of fish start flying up into the air.

Ari: *Laughs wickedly*

Snitz: Err.. isn't that illegal?

Ari: Huh??.. you're still here!!

Snitz: hmm.. very observant.. heh..heh..

Ari: oh yeah, here.. *tries to put a small bomb into his pocket.*

Snitz: *runs off with Ari chasing him* I'm just kidding around..

Ari: well I'm not.. come back here!!

Both of them run around the woods for a couple of hours before Snitz collapses, and Ari follows him.

Snitz: Oh man, that was my exercise for the next 10 years..

Ari: puff puff.. yeah! oh yeah, here.. *puts a small bomb in his shirt*

Snitz: Arrhh... Ari!!! *jumps around and takes his shirt off*

Ari: *rolls around on the ground laughing* It's not even lit, you are too easy!!

Snitz: *puts his shirt back on* Ha..Ha.. very funn..

Snitz stops in mid-speech and points behind Ari to a silver round object coming towards them..

Ari: What?

Snitz: Uhmm.. look!!

Ari: Wow, I wonder what it is..

Snitz: Lets get out of here!!

Ari: Wait, lets see what it is.

Snitz: Are you insane! Err.. Never mind.

Ari: whats that suppose to mean?

Snitz: Nothin.. Wow *changes the topic*

Ari: *turns around* Hmm.. it's landing! Lets go! *grabbing Snitz by his shirt and dragging him along*

Snitz: Why me?

Ari: Why not!

Ari and Snitz arrive at the landing spot and hide behind some bushes. Both watched in fascination as the door of the craft opens, and both are shocked at the language that is escaping from the opened hatch..

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