Chapter 5: Meeting a Cat

Location: Raderie Woods

The shocking language breaks the silence of the woods.

Cat: Fur-ball!! what the hell is wrong with this stupid craft!!

Kitten: nothing is wrong with it, it's the pilot.. heh..heh..heh..

Cat: Oh shut up you micro chipped brain!!

Kitten: Temper, temper.. remember you are now an ambassador for the Cheshire planet.

Cat: Whatever.. lets just get the gas and get out of here.

Kitten: whispers *Hmm.. we have intruders Cat.*

Cat: whispers *I'm on it.*

Ari and Snitz watch in astonishment as the cat-like girl disappears in a blur.

Cat: Hmm.. what do we have here? Dinner I assume.

Ari and Snitz froze as they heard a voice from behind them.

Snitz: Arhhhh...

Cat: Geez.. what a kitten-baby!

Ari: Err.. you're not going to eat us are you?

Cat: Unless you're made out of fish..

Snitz: Phew..

Ari and Cat look at Snitz with a weird look.

Cat: Anyway my name is Cat and this thing is Kitten

Ari: I'm Ari and this sorry specimen of a man is Snitz

Snitz ignoring the comment grabs Cat's tail..

Cat: Hey, you pervert!! *slaps him across the head*

Snitz: Owww

Ari: wow you're a cat!

Cat: wow you're a human.. *Sarcastically*

Ari: Hey, I've never seen a Cat-person before.

Kitten: Let us not state the obvious here, we want to get something and we'll be off.

Snitz: Err.. what are you? *Pointing at Kitten*

Kitten: I'm a type 5 hover-kitten, you stupid human.

Snitz: What??.. why you obsolete piece of 520K 286!!

Kitten: well you organic carbon molecule being!!

Snitz: Well, you..

Cat: Stop annoying the human.

Kitten: but he is so easy to annoy.

Snitz: What!!

Ari: Snitz, shut up.. you "are" easy to annoy.

Snitz: Hmmprf!!

Cat: Well, how about helping us?

Ari: Well what do you want? you're not going to try to conquer the world are you?

Cat: Nah.. that isn't going to happen until another 5 centuries.

Snitz: What!!

Cat: Ha..ha..ha.. kidding..

Kitten: See I told you, he's too easy.

Ari: Ok, now that we have established that Snitz is easy to annoy. What is it that you need?

Cat: Lets see, Meow-gas or Woof-gas. Preferably Woof-gas.

Ari: Err.. I don't think we have that here, we only have petroleum-gas.

Cat: Ohh.. just great Kitten, now that we are here we don't have enough booster gas to get out of this planets gravitational field.

Kitten: Well, I didn't know that they didn't have Woof-gas.

Snitz grabs Cat's tail again..

Cat: Hey!! what are you doing?!!

Snitz: it looks so funny..

Cat: Hey my tail won the feline tail quest of 99, there's nothing funny about my tail. So stop grabbing my tail!!

Snitz: Sorry!

Ari: well, now what? you can't stay here, you're too conspicuous.. Especially with those ears.

Cat: What's wrong with my ears?

Kitten: you're on a planet full of humans and they've never seen a Cat-person before.

Cat: Well, I can't do anything to change my appearance.

Snitz: Maybe you won't be that obvious, I mean everyone in this town has something wrong with them.

Ari: yeah, Snitz is right.. just act normal like you are now.

Cat: you think that will work?

Kitten:*hovering around Snitz* well, according to the behaviour that has been already shown by this human you have a high probability of passing off as a human.

Snitz: HEY!! Ari say something in my defence..

Ari: Uhmm.. Ok, Cat we'll go to my house.

Snitz: *sigh*

Cat: Ok..

Kitten: lets go..

Snitz: I'm going home.

Ari: Bye Snitz

Cat: Bye Snitz

Kitten: Bye carbon brain.

Cat: Make our craft invisible Kitten.

Kitten: "beep!" way ahead of you Cat, asusual.

So Ari, Cat and Kitten walk to Ari's house and no one in the public noticed a Cat-person walking down the street with a hovering metallic cat-head.

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