Chapter 7: Those Little Things in Life

Location: Ari's House

Ari and Cat were discussing what she could wear, while Kitten was hovering around Ari's bedroom.

Cat: Do you think this makes me look fat?

Ari: No it doesn't for the twentieth time!

Cat: well I have to look good you know, I'm an ambassador.

Kitten: oh now you're an ambassador.

Cat: *looks angrily at Kitten*

Ari: Come on you've tried everything I've got, there's nothing else you can wear that you don't like.

Cat: hmm.. well, I guess this will do then

Kitten: Are you sure?

Ari: *throws a pillow at Kitten*

Cat: Hmm..

Ari: Let's go! *grabbing Cat's arm*

Cat: Hey!!

Ari drags Cat with Kitten following her to Minmei's house.

Ari: *Minmei's my best friend so I have to tell her about this Cat-girl, even if this Cat-girl is somewhat crazy. At least we will get along.*

Location: At Minmei's house

Minmei: what the hell was that floating head? *leaning over to see out the window*

AC was still rubbing his head trying to regain his composure, while Destin was hover around.

Destin: Are you alright your highness? Shall I vaporise that human?

AC: I'm fine Destin, we don't want to start a war over a small incident like that.. and I mean small.. heh..heh..heh..

Destin: As you say your highness.

Minmei: Hey you Pervert! I'll call the cops!

AC: Cops??

Destin: That is what the law enforcement is called on this planet your highness.

AC: Hey, I'm sorry. It was a mistake, I'm new here.

Minmei: Yeah right!

AC hearing footsteps from behind, turns around and see's someone heading in his direction.

Minmei: Snitz!!

Snitz: You know something, I think people from the next town over heard your scream.

Snitz looks at AC, AC looks back at Snitz.

Minmei: That's a pervert Snitz, kick his ass!!

Snitz: Hmm.. really? what did you see?

AC: Nothing!

Snitz: Yeah I know what you mean. *laughs out loud*

A mallet hits Snitz on the head.

Snitz: Owww!!

AC: *laughs out loud*

A mallet hits AC on the head.

Minmei: I had one pervert to deal with, now I have two.

Snitz: *scratches his head* how did you manage to get down here so fast?

AC: Destin where are you?

A muffled sound escapes from below Minmei's feet.

Snitz: Oh I see.

Destin floats back up.

Destin: intruders your highness. *a laser gun appears from the top of Destin's head*

Minmei: Calm down it's only my friend and.. what is that??

AC: it's a Cat-person!! I'll protect you beautiful one!!

AC places his hand on Minmei's chest.

Minmei: PERVERT!!! *slams her mallet across AC's face*

Snitz: you should watch where you place your hand.

AC: thanks, I'll remember that next time.

Destin: Shall I vaporise the mallet girl your highness?

AC: just give me a headache tablet.

Destin gives AC a headache tablet and hovers around him. Minmei watches Ari and her new friend coming towards her.

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