Chapter 8: A Little Grudge is Good for the Soul

Location: Outside Minmei's House

Minmei still has a towel around her, while Snitz is trying to figure out who AC is. AC is rubbing his face after it had a mysterious contact with a wooden mallet. Ari scratching her head wondering who AC is and Cat is wondering where her dinner is while Kitten and Destin are watching each other.

Ari: Minmei I want you to meet Cat (and that's Kitten), who's your new friend?

Minmei: he's not my friend I saw him peeping into my room.

Ari: Ohh.. *turning to AC* did you see anything?

AC: no I didn't see anything!

Ari: yeah I thought so.. heheheheh..

Minmei: Ari!!

Ari: I'm kidding.

Snitz: hey how come you didn't hit her with your mallet?

AC: yeah!

Minmei: because she's my friend.

Snitz: Huh?.. gee thanks.. *turns to AC* Hi, I'm Snitz.

AC: Err.. Hi, I'm AC.

Snitz: Nice meeting you, Bye!

AC: Err.. Bye?

Snitz walks off sulking.

AC: Hmm..

Minmei: Well aren't you going as well?

AC: Me? what did I do?

Destin: I think we better go your highness.

Minmei: Highness? you're joking right.. him a highness..

Ari and Minmei laugh out loud, Cat thinks to herself why not and starts laugh as well.

AC: What?!! laughing at me.. I'm going to destroy this planet!

Kitten: That wouldn't be possible even for you.

Destin: What do you know you piece of metallic trash.

Kitten: oh yeah, why do you get some balls!

Destin: *frustrated and annoyed hovers over to AC*

AC: Well, mark my words you will all die!

Ari: Well I've got Cat here to destroy you.

Cat: Err.. don't drag me into this..

Ari: hey I thought you were my friend!

Cat: I am, it's just you know the little problem.

AC: A little problem?! You are Doomed!

Minmei: *slams her mallet down on top of AC's head*

AC: Owww..

Destin: Shall I vaporise her now your Highness?

AC: That girl is crazy! I could've gotten hit back at home. Let's go!

Destin: Yes your highness.

Ari, Cat and Minmei watched as AC walks of into the woods. Once AC had gone Ari tells Minmei about Cats little problem.

AC: that girl is going to pay, I need to think of a plan.

Destin: Excuse me your highness, what are we going to do?

AC: I'll act normal and infiltrate this place and learn all I need to know and then strike when they least expect it.

Destin: I mean what are we going to do about out craft your highness?

AC: *slaps his forehead remembering that Destin had crushed the booster when he was landing it* Get it ready for land mode and find a place and set the craft to stationary.

Destin: "beep!" *the craft rolls out of the woods into a cleared area and pops and a dome shape building appears.*

AC: make it less conspicuous!

Destin: "beep!" *the craft squeaks and the dome turns into a normal average home.*

AC: That's better. Now to work on my plan of world domination. *Laughs wickedly*

Destin: As you say your Highness.

AC walks into his new home, laughing all the way with Destin hovering behind him.

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