Chapter 9: What's So Great About Coffee?

Location: Planet Place
Time: 1999.

The noise of the Palace awoke the sleeping Princess from her dream of falling in love with a man she loves, not to a man she doesn't love.

DualStar: *Why can't I marry someone that I love?*

A knock on the door interrupts her thoughts.

Maid: Princess it's time to wake up. Princess?

DualStar: I'm awake, when is the wedding?

Maid: It should be about noon.. but..

DualStar: But what?

Maid: I don't know how to tell you this, but Prince AC has disappeared.

DualStar: Disappear? You mean someone kidnapped him.

Maid: No, I mean disappeared. Prince AC's lambor-craft is not in the craftarage, they suspect that he ranaway.

DualStar: Ranaway? *What luck*

Maid: Don't be too upset your Highness, I'm sure that the King will find him.

DualStar: Oh.. of course *I hope not* What are the plans today then?

Maid: I don't know your highness, the King has called a meeting.

DualStar: A meeting.. *At least I can go home now*

Location: The throne of King Place

King Place: WHAT!!!!!

Kuren: He made a break for it, your highness.

King Place: Sir Kuren, I am intrusting you and Lady Ryuuen to find AC and retrieve him.

Ryuuen: Your Highness if I may be as to bold, what about the Princess?

King Place: Good idea Sir Ryuuen, take the Princess along so she can yell at AC herself.

Ryuuen: Err.. your Highness I wasn't referring to..

Kuren: Of course your highness, if you say so.

Ryuuen: Huh?

King Place: Now go and find my son!

Kuren: Yes your highness.

Ryuuen: Yes your highness.

Outside the great throne of King Place.

Ryuuen: I didn't mean to take the Princess along, I was only asking what the Princess was feeling about this situation.

Kuren: I know, but it's not good to correct the King when his in one of his moods. Remember last time someone corrected him..

Ryuuen: Hmm.. yeah, the poor guy was forced to listen to Prince AC's silence..

In the sacred bed chambers of Princess DualStar.

DualStar: WHAT!!

Maid: That's right, the King has arrange for you and two knights to track down Prince AC.

DualStar: WHY!!

Maid: The King has ordered it and so it is written.

DualStar: Oh you've got to be joking. *shaking her head*

Maid: Let us pack your bags.

DualStar: *This is a nightmare, all I have to do is wake up*

Location: Space Dock 119273

Kuren: Oh man, where is this Princess?

Ryuuen: If I knew that I wouldn't be drinking this coffee.

Kuren: Coffee? That's not coffee, that's stirred mud.

Ryuuen: *chokes and coughs* Mud??

Kuren: yeah, that's for the D'loh species. It's considered to be delicious for them.

Ryuuen: oh great, this is going to be a great day. *sarcastically*

DualStar: Hello, you must be Kuren and Ryuuen.

Kuren: Yes your highness, allow me to carry your bags. *staring at the Princess nicely formed figure*

DualStar: Thank you, but my bags are over there.

Ryuuen: *laughing to herself*

DualStar: What about you?!! Aren't you going to help?

Ryuuen: of course your highness *what an up tight 'bleep'*

So the three travellers head out to space, in search of Prince AC.

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