Chapter 10: Where's My Cat?

Location: Planet Cheshire
Time: 1999.

The crowd roars with delight as the Meow Kombat has come down to the final and the Champion is going for her fourth title.

Evey: This is your last chance to quit.

Competitor: Never, I'll take you out and become champion.

Evey: Then meet your maker!

Competitor: You meet your maker!

Evey: *a massive pencil appears in her paw and slams in to the competitor*

Competitor: Ha! is that your best shot!

Evey: *another massive pencil appears in her other paw, but this one lands on top of the competitor's head.*

Competitor: That's not faiiiirr..*falling down unconsious*

Evey: I'm the winner again!!

The crowd cheers as Evey puts her paws in the air.

Location: Evey's Home

Evey: Oh cat-man, my arse is sore..

Computer-maid: Here. *handing Evey an ice pack and turning on the TV*

Evey: I've got to call Cat about my fourth title in Meow Kombat.

As Evey dials Cat, she hears the news of Cat's disappearance from the outter region of Cheshire space.

Evey: No, this isn't happening. Not to my precious Cat.

Computer-maid: Maybe it is a mistake?

Evey: Yeah that's it, gotta be a mistake! *dialling Cat's number*

Computer-maid: I will get you a drink.

Evey: Come on Cat answer.. tell me you're ok.

The tele-phone keeps ringing but there is no answer. Evey becomes scared and decides to go down to the Feline Space Corps.

Guard: That's right, Private Cat has disappeared from her outpost. We are unsure if she is dead or captured.

Evey: Thank you.

Guard: That's ok, it was worth getting your autograph.

As Evey walks away from the barracks, she hears the patter of feet behind her.

Evey: Who are you?

Inkfish: Me inkfish! You Evey!

Evey: Err.. that's right, what do you want? *Inkfish? what kind of name is that for a feline?*

Inkfish: Me help you find Cat.

Evey: We don't know if she is lost.

Inkfish: Me know. *opening a screen*

Evey: What's that? *As she watchs the screen she see's Cat frantically hitting the console but without sound*

Inkfish: Me think Cat is dumb at flying craft.

Evey: *I could have told you that*

Inkfish: Me recorded co-ordinates where Cat has gone.

Evey: What do you want from me?

Inkfish: Me want you to train me for Meow Kombat.

Evey: That's it, just train you and you'll help me find Cat.

Inkfish: Me think you catch on quick.

Evey: Ok, we'll take my craft. It's fast and it's rigged up with Woof-gas.

Inkfish: Me think you crazy to have woof-gas in Feline craft.

Evey: Yeah.. but it's fast.

The duo pack their bags and head out to space port 167, with the co-ordinates supplied by Inkfish they'll be in time before Cat can get into trouble.

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