Chapter 15: A Wrong Turn At The Asteriods.

Location: In the silence of space

A metallic clang echoes through the police craft.

Rei: I told you it was a wrong turn!

Anne: Well, how'd I know that.. I've never been here before.

Rei: Arrhh.. next time I'm flying!

Anne: Geez.. it's not like it's the end of the world.

Rei: First we loose the criminals and now we're lost, it can't get any worst than this..

Anne: Err.. how much are you gonna bet on that?

Rei: *jaw gaping*

A large red battle cruiser appears through a space fold.

Anne: Rei.. err... Rei..

Rei: My Goodness.. what is that??

Anne: Let's go find out partner.

Rei: What??

Anne: Under paragraph 3534 section 23 dash 5 slash A it is our duty to investigate all unknowns within space.

Rei: Err... you just stated the paragraph "If the toilet seat is up, you'd better put it down."

Anne: whoops.. you know what I mean.

Rei: Of all the paragraphs to memorise you memorise that one??

Anne: Well, if people just stop putting the seat up there wouldn't be a need for that rule!

Rei: Oh no..

A flash appears and the red space cruiser space folds again.

Anne: Oh for crying out loud.. *sighing* if this keeps going we'd be fired for sure.

Rei: Ohkay time to flip a coin.. heads that away *pointing left*, tails that away *pointing right*.

Anne: Come on heads!!

Rei: Come on tails!!

The coin is tossed and the outcome is....

Location: Near Earth's moon.

A quirky effect takes over the region of space and a large red space cruiser appears.

Mazi: Wahoo!!

Bubba: Alright we've done it!!

Red: *tapping his fingers* *rolling his eyes* *sighing* At last!!

Mazi: There you go oh great one!

Red: Yeah, yeah.. get the roboots ready!

Bubba: Err... maybe we should go and scout the place out first oh great one?

Red: Forget that, that blue planet is mine for the takin....

A nagging voice is heard throughout the room.

Nadia: Red!!.. you promised me a Pla-in!

Red: Of course my dear..

Mazi: Oh great one, the roboots are ready.

Red: Forget that now, get the personal craft ready.

Bubba: Alright! Scouting time!

Mazi: *Wish he'd make up his mind*

Nadia: Hurry up, I want my Pla-in!

Red: *Why can't I conquer a planet without all these interuptions?*

So Red has to postpone he's world domination for now.

Location: Earth - Raderie

K'van: Geez, this place is so full of trees.

Kilvear: Yeah and they're so pretty too.

K'van: Look there are some people over there!

Kilvear: Hmm.. and they look so cool. I'm sure we can sell some of this caffine to them.

As K'van and Kilvear: walk towards the group of weird people.

Cat: I don't think I like that!!

Minmei: Yeah me either.

Ari: That goes double with me.

Kitten: I don't care what you want.

AC: Come on, just a little trip to my ship and you'd see why I'm a prince.

Snitz: I've tried that line..

Fyrna: I don't think I've heard that one before, but to the topic at hand.. I've got this problem.

Cat: Yeah, I've got a problem too.. I'm hungry!

Ari: Again??

Minmei: You know I think you have a bottomless pit for a stomach.

AC: *how can I get these people to my place, so I can be rid of them forever* Mwhahahahaha!!..

Snitz: AC are you ohkay?

AC: Whoops.. I'm fine.

So the conversation continues as K'van and Kilvear: enters the scene.

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