Chapter 17: Look! Two Little Girls

Location: Raderie Woods

The crunching of leaves breaks the silence of the woods.

Inkfish: Me want to know why we are going around in circles.

Evey: Shh.. I think I've found a way out.

Inkfish: Me think you said that three hours ago.

Evey: There!!

Inkfish: Me think we are out!

Evey: Hmm.. look there are two humans sitting by the road.

Inkfish: Me say we go and see if they know Cat.

So the duo walk over to the two girls sitting in the gutter watching the water flowing into the gutter.

Evey: Hello.

Inkfish: Me want to say Hello to you humans.

Starry: Hmm.. hello.. you're a cat.

Laya: Hi! *pushing a leave into the gutter* Wanna play leaf races?

Evey: err.. maybe another time. Could you tell us if you've seen another cat person around here?

Laya: Yeah, she's right next to you. heheheheh

Starry: heheheheh.. that's a good one Laya.

Inkfish: heheheheheh.. me think that is funny.

Evey: *oh why me??*

Starry: *grabbing Inkfish's tail*

Inkfish: You like my tail?

Laya: *giving Inkfish a hug* Mmm.. you're nice and soft.

Starry: yeah.. it's so funny.

Evey: Excuse me, but apart from Inkfish have you seen another cat person?

Laya: *with a muffled sound* yep, over there. *pointing to an empty space across the road.

Starry: You're a bit late. *squeezing Inkfish's tail*

Inkfish: heheheheheh.. that tickles.. heheheh.

Evey: Come on Inkfish we can still track her.

Inkfish: Me think its time for you girls to let me go.

So Laya and Starry let Inkfish go and then starts following Inkfish across the road to where Cat was last seen.

Evey: Hmm.. I think we have her scent.

Inkfish: Hmm.. why you follow Inkfish?

Evey: Huh??

Starry: I never had a cat person as a friend before.

Laya: me either. *giving Inkfish a pat on the head*

Inkfish: heheheh.. me make new friends.

Evey: Could you please keep in mind why we are here.

Inkfish: Inkfish knows why she is here.

Starry: Do you have a spaceship?

Laya: Hmm.. of course she has.

Inkfish: yep, yep. Inkfish has a spacecraft.

Evey: This away *pointing to the horizon*

Laya: Can we go to your spacecraft?

Starry: Please..

Inkfish: well O...

Evey: We don't have time for that!!

Starry: You're so mean!

Laya: yeah..

Inkfish: I'll show you later.

Evey: *I really need to hang out with more normal cat people*

Inkfish: What's that funny smell?

Starry: hmm.. smells like the stuff my dad drinks in the morning.

Laya: Yeah, it's called coffee.

Evey: What's coffee?

Inkfish: me thinks that it sounds like a cool drink.

Evey: Whatever it is it sure is strong.

Starry: Must be what those two men were selling.

Laya: yeah.. but you can get coffee down at the shops.

Evey: Hmm.. then why sell it on the streets?

Inkfish: me thinks that maybe they want people to buy more of the stuff.

Starry: Coffee doesn't taste so good anyway.

Laya: I dunno, I'm not allowed to drink coffee.

Inkfish: Why?

Starry: cos we're not old enough.

Evey: is it illegal to drink coffee if you're not old enough?

Laya: No silly, it's a grown up drink.

Inkfish: Me grown up, me try it and tell you if it is good.

Laya: hmm.. but I wanna taste some too.

Evey: Shh.. the scent stops here.

So Evey and the rest of the group follow Cat's scent, all the way back to Ari's house.

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