Chapter 18: A Good Old Slapping

Location: Just above Earth

A small craft enters Earths atmosphere and lands just on the side of the lake.

Mazi: Here we are oh great one.

Bubba: Hmm.. Mazi, how come we're on an angle?

Red: Yes you little scum, I'd like to know that too.

Nadia: Hmm.. atleast the suspension is getting a work out.

Red: *slaps the side of Mazi's head*

Bubba: heheheheheh..

Mazi: *slaps Bubba*

Nadia: *slaps Red*

Bubba: *slaps Na..*

Nadia: I don't think so Mister!!!

So after all the slapping..

Red: *rubbing his cheek* OK, you go out there first Mazi.

Mazi: *rubbing his head* Why me?

Bubba: *rubbing his cheek* cos you landed on an angle!

Nadia: I don't believe this, why am I here with these so called men!!

After a long discussion and a lot of nagging the first person to leave the ship is...

Red: *rubbing his other cheek* Hmm.. it doesn't seem like there's anyone here.

Mazi: Oh great one, you are so wise.

Bubba: Oh great one, why are you standing in D'loh coffee?

Red: huh?

Nadia: That's not D'loh coffee.. that's sh..

Red: can't be..

Mazi: heheheheh..

Bubba: Err.. I'll go scout around. *better than to stay here and smell that sh..*

Nadia: better be safe around here! *yelling at Bubba*

Mazi: *heading off the other direction* I'll go scout the other side.

Red: Give me a hand darling..

Nadia: I don't think so Mister!! *casually walking away*

So Red is left standing there in a pile of sh..

Anne: it isn't going to work!

Location: Earth's Moon

Rei: I'm telling you it's going to work!

Anne: *sigh* if we explode it's not my fault!

Rei: Fine, if it works you owe me BIG time!!

Anne: *sticks her tongue out*

Rei: Ready, steady...GO!!

A splutter and a clang.. and the little space police craft heads towards a blue dot in the middle of the blackness.

Rei: Yahoo!!

Anne: *damn!*

Rei: Let's see, I like that 'Final Cop VIII' game you have..

Anne: I don't think so!!

So the our brave duo argue until a warning signal pops up.

Rei: Oh no, we're headed straight towards that red craft!

Anne: Do something!

Rei: You're the pilot!

Anne: ..but this was your plan!

Rei: You can keep that damn game!

Anne: Hmm.. is that all?

Rei: Ok, you can have my little spikey Clou-dom doll too!!

Anne: *flips a switch and the craft halts in mid-air*

Rei: That wasn't fair!

Anne: kiss me rosy bu..

Computer: This is Computer 99023, criminal #5248 and #1284 have been detected within this area.

Rei: Those damn caffine criminals!

Anne: Let's go!

So the two officers hit the pedal and fly off towards those caffine theives.

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