Chapter 19: The Mother of all Plans

Location: Outside Ari's House

After a long trek Evey is really sick of Inkfish, Starry and Laya playing around.

Evey: *I swear the only reason I'm here is to find Cat and now I'm stuck with these three people*

Inkfish: Heheheheh.. me see little bird.

Starry: yeah, isn't it beaitiful?

Laya: Uh huh.. really pretty.

Inkfish: Me think it would taste nice.

Starry: taste?

Laya: nice?

Inkfish: Me hungry, you never eaten bird before?

Laya: only chicken.

Starry: eww.. that would taste awful.

Inkfish: hmm.. what is chicken?

Starry: it is a bird, but it can't fly.

Laya: yeah, that's why we eat it.

Inkfish: hmm.. me think it would be too easy to catch.

Laya: heheheheh.. that is why we eat it.

Starry: heheheheh..

Evey: *sigh*

Laya: Look there's your friend!

Evey and Inkfish turn to see Cat jumping around with so much energy it is amazing to Evey that it is the same Cat that she grew up with.

Inkfish: Hmm.. Me think your friend is Hyperactive.

Starry: yeah.. she would make a good play friend.

Laya: yep, I think so too. Let's ask her to play with us.

Evey: Geez.. I'm going to check if she is alright.

So Evey and the rest of the wanders begin to run over to Cat.

Ari: Oh no!

Cat: What is it? *running after a squirl*

Ari: More Cat people..

Cat: Where? *stopping and looking around*

Cat spots the two cat people heading towards her and Ari, and she automatically notice it was Evey her best friend.

Evey: Cat!

Cat: Evey!

Inkfish: Me!

Starry: Starry!

Laya: Laya!

Ari: Ar.. *what am I doing?*

After a long and tedious exchange of stories about what has happened each other. They begin to settle down and discuss away off this planet.

Starry: Hmm.. can I come?

Laya: No.. don't go.. you're my friend. *sniff*

Starry: *hugs Laya*

Ari: This is getting weird.

Evey: Hmm.. I don't know about you Cat but I'm dying to get off this crazy planet!

Cat: Hmm.. yeah I miss that little "Catnip Time" club.

Inkfish: Hmm.. Me think you have to train me to become champion, Evey.

Evey: Sure but we have to get off this rock first.

Laya: Maybe you can stay here and have a vacation.

Starry: yeah, you can stay at my house.

Laya: yeah and I can stay at Starry's house.

Inkfish: Me think it sounds good.

Evey: I don't think that is a good idea.

Ari: why not? it's not like you'll be out of place here.

Cat: Yeah, I've been to school and no has noticed.

Ari: Yeah, after you meet Snitz you'll see that you won't stand out.

Cat: yeah, Snitz is really weird.

Starry: Who's Snitz?

Laya: he the one with those pervert eyes?

Ari: Yeah, do you know him?

Laya: no, but he looks so weird!

Inkfish: A weird human.. I'd like to see that.

Evey: I don't, they're all weird here.

Starry: I'm not weird!

Laya: Yeah, we're not weird!

Inkfish: Yeah, me not weird!

Ari: Yeah, I'm not weird!

Cat: Yeah, I'm not.. err.. you're not talking about us are you..

Evey: *shakes her head*

As the day progressed everyone is introduced and the final plan was to just stay for awhile to relax on this beautful planet, filled full of little birds.

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