Nepeta cataria
Catnip is one of
those herbs that is rarely used nowadays, but is still
interesting. In Europe, catnip is occasionally used in a hot
infusion to promote sweating, while not increasing the body
temperature. It is said to be excellent for colds and flu
and childhood diseases, such as measles
thanks to modern shots are rarely seen
). Catnip also
soothes the nervous system and may help get restless
children to sleep. It helps calm upset stomachs and counters
colic (in
flatulence, and diarrhea. An infusion may also be used
externally to sooth scalp irritations. The leaves and
flowering tops of catnip can be mashed for a poultice to be
applied to bruises. Catnip leaves and flowering tops also
contain Vitamin C. I chose to
include catnip on my list of favorite medicinal herbs
because it is an interesting herb that makes everyone think
of their crazy cat when they were growing up. I also chose
it because it is one of those rarely used and little thought
of medicinal herbs, and I wanted to let people know about