Astrology, Horoscope of Brazil, Astrology Chart of Brazil, Independence of Brazil, History of Brazil, Political Astrology, Mundane Astrology


Mundane Horoscope of Brazil:
Declaration of Independence from Portugal, 7 September 1822




Brazil: Declaration of Independence from Portugal, 1822

Source: For the "Portuguese claim possession, 1500" chart: Campion, "The Book of World Horoscopes," p. 99, citing astrologer Antonio Harres; chart corrected to Porto Seguro longitude / latitude.

Additional information: "In 1494, the Treaty of Tordesilhas divided the Americas between Spain and Portugal. Portugal gained the right to claim land in what is now eastern Brazil. Portugal claimed possession of Brazil on April 22, 1500, when the Portuguese fleet commander Pedro Alvares Cabral landed on the coast. The Portuguese called certain trees that they found there brazilwoods because their wood had the color of a glowing ember, called brasa in Portuguese. They named the country after the trees." World Book Encyclopedia, CD-Rom edition, 1997.

"Brazilian independence was proclaimed by Emperor D. Pedro I in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The event came to be known as the 'Ipiranga cry,' because it took place near the Iparanga River on Sept 7, 1822, between 16:00 and 17:00 (LMT) in Sao Paulo." Brazilian astrologer Nilsa Gorey, private correspondence, 23 August 2000.

"Brazil proclaimed its independence from Portugal [...] on 7 September 1822. The event ... took place between 4:00 and 5:00 P.M. LMT ..." Campion, "The Book of World Horoscopes," (Second Edition, 1996), p. 99.

There is a strong movement among Brazilian astrologers in favor of a 4:47 P.M. time for this chart. This is based on historic accounts of the whereabouts of the emperor on that particular day, the time he arrived at Ipiranga river, etc., and is supported by the feeling shared by many local astrologers that Brazil is more likely to be portrayed by a Pisces ascendant rather than by an Aquarius ascendant.

Source for the "Proclamation of the Republic Chart" (Nov 15, 1889; Rio de Janeiro; 3:00 P.M): Edgar Carone, "A Republica Velha (Evolucao Politica)." Editora Difel, 1971, p. 8. The new government (the result of a coup d'etat) was inaugurated at 11:00 A.M. at Rio de Janeiro (then the capital), and the proclamation took place at 3:00 P.M. The second chart features an Aries ascendant: perhaps a fitting portrait of the military coup. Although Brazil has had several constitutions, this event totally changed the form of government; formerly it was an empire, and now it became a republic, with elections, etc. (Again, thanks to Nilsa Gorey for passing along all the above information.)

"On 5 October 1988 Brazil adapted a new constitution which represented a significant break from past procedure and practice. The signing of the constitution, which took place at 3:49 P.M., was timed from a live television broadcast by Antonio Harres in Rio de Janeiro." Campion, "The Book of World Horoscopes," (Second Edition, 1996), p. 99. Chart is set for the capital, Brasilia.

Other charts for Brazil: horoscopes

Brazil: Portuguese claim possession, 1500
Brazil: Portuguese claim possession, 1500: G-Sector Chart
Brazil: Portuguese claim possession, 1500: Astrocartography
Brazil: Declaration of Independence from Portugal, 1822
Brazil: Declaration of Independence from Portugal, 1822: G-Sector Chart
Brazil: Declaration of Independence from Portugal, 1822: Pisces Rising Chart
Brazil: Declaration of Independence from Portugal, 1822: Pisces Rising G-Sector Chart
Brazil: Declaration of Independence from Portugal, 1822: Pisces Rising Astrocartography
Brazil: Proclamation of the Republic Chart: 1889
Brazil: Proclamation of the Republic Chart: 1889: G-sector Chart
Brazil: Proclamation of the Republic Chart: 1889: Astrocartography
Brazil: Adaptation of New Constitution, 1988
Brazil: Adaptation of New Constitution, 1988: G-Sector Chart
Brazil: Adaptation of New Constitution, 1988: Astrocartography



The Role of the Least-Aspected Planet in Astrocartography


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For information on aspect orbs, go here. The three-digit numerals indicating planetary strength are based on: major aspects [first number]; minor aspects [second number]; and aspects to ascendant and midheaven [third number]. The node is calculated separately.


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Mundane Astrology  Political Astrology, History of Brazil, Independence of Brazil, Astrology Chart of Brazil, Horoscope of Brazil