astrology of Germany: LAP Horoscope of Germany, chart of Germany, map of Germany, history of Germany, political astrology, mundane astrology, astrocartography


Horoscope of Germany:
The Proclamation of William I




Pluto = 030
Jupiter = 110
Saturn = 110
Venus = 122
Moon = 141
Sun = 201
Neptune = 210
Mercury = 211
Mars = 211
Uranus = 221

Node = Transcendental Node (121)

Germany: The Proclamation of William I

Primary Transcendental Pluto, Secondary Transcendentals Jupiter, Saturn.

Jan 18, 1871
13.00.00 LMT (+00)
2E08'00"; 48N48'00"
Asc: 11Ge49; Mc:10Aq02

Source: "The standard horoscope for the proclamation is set for 1.00 pm LMT, and this time roughly confirms to the historical moment [...] The horoscope for this date is of obvious historical interest, but in view of its importance as a map for Germany as a whole, still has modern relevance." Campion
, (Second Edition), "The Book of World Horoscopes," p. 175. "The horoscope used with greatest validity for Germany is drawn for the proclamation of William I as German Emperor, at Versailles ... validated by the great astrologer Charles E.O. Carter." Noel Tyl, "Astrology: Mundane, Astral, Occult," p. 41.

"3 October 1990 was chosen as the date for political union by the East German parliament . . . Chart 133 is set for the past and future capital, Berlin, the venue for the unification celebrations." Campion, "The Book of World Horoscopes" p. 183.



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For information on aspect orbs, go here. The three-digit numerals indicating planetary strength are based on: major aspects [first number]; minor aspects [second number]; and aspects to ascendant and midheaven [third number]. The node is calculated separately.


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Political Astrology, History of Germany, Independence of Germany, Mundane Astrology Chart of Germany, Astrocartography of Germany, Mundane Horoscope of Germany, Chart of Germany, Astrocartography, Maps, Information about Germany, Astrology Charts of Nations, Horoscopes of Countries