Mundane Horoscope of The United States,
Information about The United States, Astrology,
Progressed Chart for The United States,Astrology Progressed Chart for
The United States, Independence of The United States, History of The
United States, Political Astrology, Astrocartography of The United States

Progressed Horoscope of the USA:
Sagittarius Rising Chart
Uranus = 011
Jupiter = 101
Saturn = 111
Sun = 121
Pluto = 122
Venus = 201
Mars = 210
Neptune = 210
Mercury = 220
Moon = 242
Node = Transcendental Node (120)
United States: Sagittarius
Rising chart
Transcendental Uranus,
Secondary Jupiter, Tertiary
Transcendental Saturn.
Jul 4, 1776
17.13.00 LMT (+00)
75W10'00"; 39N57'00"
Asc: 12Sa59; Mc: 01Li53
Source: Noel Tyl, "Astrology: Mundane, Astral, Occult,"
p. 50, citing Dane Rudhyar's rectified chart in "The Astrology
of America's Destiny."
"The exact time
of the founding of the American states remains uncertain. "[Historian
Manley Palmer Hall's] suggestion of 5.00 P.M. finds interesting
support in the fact that the anniversary celebrations on 4 July
1778 began at 5.00 PM, and in other years seem to have begun at
a similar time which the historian Channing (who believed the Declaration
was signed later), regarded as 'early'." Campion (Second
Edition, 1996), "The Book of World Horoscopes,"
p. 414.
Additional information: "On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental
Congress officially declared independence and formed the United
States of America by adopting the Declaration of Independence. Written
by Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, the declaration was a sweeping
indictment of the king, Parliament, and the British people. It also
set forth certain self-evident truths that were basic to the revolutionary
cause. It said that all men are created equal, and are endowed by
their Creator with rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
To protect those rights, men organized governments, and the governments
derived their powers from the consent of the governed. But when
a government ceased to preserve the rights, it was the duty of the
people to change the government, or abolish it and form a new one.
"Thus the colonists were fighting for philosophical principles
as well as specific objectives. The spirit aroused by the Declaration
of Independence was an important factor in the ultimate American
victory." The World Book Encyclopedia, CD-Rom edition, 1967.
United States horoscopes:
The Role of the Least-aspected Planet in Astrocartography
the Astro-Pro Website of the Week, 1 June 1998
information on aspect orbs, go here. The three-digit numerals indicating planetary
strength are based on: major aspects [first number]; minor
aspects [second number]; and aspects to ascendant and midheaven
[third number]. The node is calculated
separately. |
entire site and its contents are Copyright © 2000 by Robert
All rights reserved. All text Copyright © 2000 by Robert
Couteau and cannot be used
without the written and expressed consent of the author.
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