Information about The United States, Astrocartography of Countries, Astrology, Astrocartography of The United States, Astrology Chart of The United States, Independence of The United States, History of The United States, Political Astrology, Mundane Astrology

Astrocartography of the USA:
Scorpio Rising Chart




The Role of the Least-aspected Planet in Astrocartography


Awarded the Astro-Pro Website of the Week, 1 June 1998





For information on aspect orbs, go here. The three-digit numerals indicating planetary strength are based on: major aspects [first number]; minor aspects [second number]; and aspects to ascendant and midheaven [third number]. The node is calculated separately.


This entire site and its contents are Copyright © 2000 by Robert Couteau.
All rights reserved. All text Copyright © 2000 by Robert Couteau and cannot be used
without the written and expressed consent of the author.


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Political Astrology, History of The United States, Independence of The United States, Mundane Astrology Chart of The United States, Astrocartography of The United States, Horoscope of The United States, Astrocartographer, Chart of The United States, Astrocartography of Countries, Astrology, Astrocartography, Astrocartography of Crotia, Information about The United States