Yugoslavia Serbia astrology chart horoscope ofYugoslavia Serbia Horoscopes of Countries, Mundane Astrology, Nations, Information about Yugoslavia Serbia, Astrocartography of Yugoslavia Serbia, Mundane Horoscope of Yugoslavia Serbia, Astrology Chart of Yugoslavia Serbia, Independence of Yugoslavia Serbia, History of Yugoslavia Serbia, Political Astrology


Mundane Horoscope of Yugoslavia:
The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia




     Yugoslavia: The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Source: ". . . Serbia and Montenegro proclaimed themselves the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia at 14:04 CST (12:04 GMT) on 27 April 1992, in Belgrade." Campion, "The Book of World Horoscopes" (Second Edition), p. 444.

"Yesterday afternoon [October 5, 2000], shortly after the 3 p.m. deadline Kostunica had set for Milosevic's resignation, the crowd stormed the federal parliament building in central Belgrade. . . .

"If anything signaled the change in Milosevic's fortunes it was the takeover of the national news media, which he had used ruthlessly as the mouthpiece of his regime. . . .

"The most remarkable transformation occurred at Tanjug, the national news agency that had functioned for more than a decade as Milosevic's personal mouthpiece. Last night about 9 p.m., Tanjug announced it was "now with the people of this country” and henceforth would stick to principles of professional journalism in its reporting. The self-styled "journalists of liberated Tanjug” proceeded to announce the change of regime. "
--Roy Gutman, "'Liberated': Yugoslavia’s Kostunica declares himself president,"
"Newsday" (online), 6 Oct. 2000.

See also:

Yugoslavia Chronology: Sep.-Oct. 2000

Horoscope of Serbia: Signing of the Treaty of Berlin (1848)

Other Yugoslavia horoscopes:


Yugoslavia: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: G-Sector Chart
Yugoslavia: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Astrocartography (large)
Yugoslavia: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Ebertin Style
Yugoslavia: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Asteroids
Yugoslavia: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Dispositor
Yugoslavia: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Progressed 2000
Yugoslavia: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Solar Return 2000

Yugoslavia: Liberation, 5 Oct. 2000
Yugoslavia: Liberation, 5 Oct. 2000: G-Sector Chart
Yugoslavia: Liberation, 5 Oct. 2000: Astrocartography (large)
Yugoslavia: Liberation, 5 Oct. 2000: Ebertin Style
Yugoslavia: Liberation, 5 Oct. 2000: Asteroids
Yugoslavia: Liberation, 5 Oct. 2000: Dispositor
Yugoslavia: Liberation, 5 Oct. 2000: Heliocentric (Sidereal)
Yugoslavia: Liberation, 5 Oct. 2000: Heliocentric (Tropical)
Yugoslavia: Liberation, 5 Oct. 2000: Local Horizon





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For information on aspect orbs, go here. The three-digit numerals indicating planetary strength are based on: major aspects [first number]; minor aspects [second number]; and aspects to ascendant and midheaven [third number]. The node is calculated separately.


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Political Astrology, History of Yugoslavia Serbia, Independence of Yugoslavia Serbia, Mundane Astrology Chart of Yugoslavia Serbia, Astrocartography of Yugoslavia Serbia, Mundane Horoscope of Yugoslavia Serbia, Chart of Yugoslavia Serbia, Astrocartography, Maps, Information about Yugoslavia Serbia, Astrology Charts of Nations, Horoscopes of Countries astrology chart horoscope ofYugoslavia Serbia