T r i b e B a d i r
An American Tribal Fusion Bellydance Troupe
A musician must
make music,
an artist must paint,
a poet must write,
if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.
What one can be,
one must be.
--Abraham Moslow -
Friends we love &
Dance Troupes we admire![](28b89c80.jpg)
Hahbi'Ru San Francisco, CA Our favorite folkloric
Kajira D's Sonoma County CA. Talented artist and great person. She and Ellen Cruz put on the best event called Tribal Fest II its May 18-19 and is one of our favorites!
Khafif Middle Eastern Music & Dance Troupe, Pittsburgh, PA. Hey guys!
Rachel Brice- San Francisco. ooooooooo Rachel is our FAVORITE!
Romani Oakland, CA A visual delight.
Shira Julie's treasure trove of chock full belly dance jewels-of-information
Tribal Feat, Arroyo Grande, CA (great performance @ Tribal Fest!)
Ultra Gypsy San Francisco, CA (Hey Jill, maybe someday I'll get a picture with you too! :)
S o n i c A n g e l s
(Musicians & Bands we groove on)
3 Spell San Francisco, CA Awesome music, check it out!
Armando "Uncle Mafufo" of Sirocco; Instructional ME percussion.
Ellen Cruz - Sebastopol, CA.
Delirium - We looooove their music! "Poem" rocks!
Domba! - out of AZ, fun folks!
Helm (I wish they had a webpage.You can buy on FCBD's site)
Gypsy Caravan- out of OR. Excellent music to perform by! Love Awakenings.
Kinetik Trance 3 Spell's Tobias Roberson and Eliot Bates do it again. Must-have music is only available here.
Sazlar all girl band out of New Mexico
The Toids Crazy, fun, witty.. and it's Balkan music!
Turku - Eurasian Folk Group, good friends and fellow scadians.
Vas - Yummy... Dark & Dramatic mood music
C a u s e s w e b e l i e v e i n
Tibetan Government in Exile: This site is maintained and updated by The Office of Tibet, the official agency of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in London.
Camp Sunburst: A place for children living with HIV and their parents to enjoy the companionship of others without the social stigma and isolation associated with the AIDS epidemic.
F e e d y o u r S o u l
Daily Dharma A daily dose of Dharma to shatter the ball of doubt.
Oprah cause we think that she's da-bomb!
Guedra (Trance dance from the Berber tradition) written by Morocco
D e s t i n a t i o n s for the
U r b a n N o m a d
(Festivals &Travel)
Burning Man, Black Desert, Nevada- A huge alternative gathering in August
Rakassah, East & West Coast- The largest festival in the U.S.
Pennsic War, Slippery Rock PA - A two week Medieval Festival in August
Watercourse Way a great place to relax. Make reservations if you visit the bay area.
T h e V i r t u a l S o u k
(Sources for many things)
Bhuz.com - Bellydance sources, chat lines, shopping
Khoob Surat - Indian Women's beauty site chock full of home remedies.
A G r e a t M a n y o t h e r t h i n g s
Online Arabic translator click on the keyboard picture, it will show you which keys correspond to which Arabic letters, and you can just click on the letter you want; and it will actually convert the letter shapes into the correct one (initial, medial, or finial) automatically!
Sudairy Arabic Recipes, Names, news, & more
Tom's Art project - freakin' great artist (and all-around good guy)