Henna for Tibet
The next Henna session is TBD from noon till 3PM in San Jose, CA
Check back to this page for updates. If five or more folks want to do it, I can schedule a special session. Contact me if you are interested.
Classes are held in a casual garden setting.
 Henna for Tibet is a project that teaches people the art of Mendhi (Henna) in exchange for participating in three Henna fundraisers for Tibetan refugees. You can learn this beautiful art form in one session, so the time commitment is pretty doable. This can be learned by practically everyone and will be taught in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. See bottom of page for more information.
Joanne practices her technique Janine and Mohammad jamming in the tent 
(not scheduled at this time)
12:00 noon till 3:00 PM
We try to have classes in the tent- weather permitting.
Directions will be sent when you RSVP.
Bring a notebook and your favorite pen for notes & sketching.
Light munchies will be served.
Please RSVP via email by .
An open letter to the Universal Tribe,
A few of us have started a project called "Henna for Tibet" to raise money for one of the many projects in dire need of financial assistance listed on the " Tibet's government in exile" web site.
Here's why; the Tibetan people are fleeing their own country because of what communist China is doing to them, their culture, their religion, and their history (trying to wipe them out completely). The people who are able to escape are relocating to various areas of India and neighboring countries. They have left everything behind (everything, meaning their land, homes, family & friends, and a lifetime of possessions) and are striving to make a life. If you want to read up on it, the web site listed above has detailed information on their situation, and the specific projects they are raising money for.
We would like to raise money to help them and thought that a good way to do this might be to teach anyone who would like to learn, the art of Mendhi (henna).
You will learn how to prepare the powder, mix the ingredients into paste, how to prep the paste for the applicator, basic application techniques, basic designs and their meanings, some of the history of Mendhi, and after care (sealing the Mendhi to stain).
We are offering this to anyone who wishes to learn. The only thing we ask in exchange is that you participate in at least three fundraising events*. How it works: We have a Mendhi (Henna) booth where we apply Mendhi for a suggested donation and give the proceeds to the Tibetan government for
one of their projects. We (as a group) can decide on which project on their list we are going to raise money for before each "show". While participating, you will learn how to duplicate this in your local area. Not only do you do something good for a worthy cause, but you walk away with a skill that fosters creativity, beauty, and you are helping to carry on an ancient tradition.
The classes are taught in San Jose California. Classes will be repeated as long as there are groups interested. Contact Miranda for next session date and location.
If there are people who wish to travel here, we will do our best to open our homes to you. We hope to even work a bit of music and dancing into the gathering if possible.
Please visit their web site, then let us know if you are interested in getting involved with this project. We are constantly compiling an e-mail list of all who respond to send you further information and keep you updated on the project.
We hope you will join us.
Henna for Tibet Project
* If you live outside the area, you can put on your own fundraising events in your city. Whether you do the fundraising with us, or on your own is up to you.