what you will
find here- a few cows
- one old dog
- a bunch
of cats
- one old grouch
- a rock,fossil & mineral
Some things I like to do
I enjoy my rockhound hobby.It is fun to cut into a plain looking
rock and see what Mother Nature has hidden inside.One
of the things I enjoy most is hunting the rocks. I
like all of nature,even the most desolate desert is
beautiful to me. I enjoy being a member of the
Central Texas Gem & MIneral Society in Abilene
Texas.check us outI also like to fishing
,camping & most anything that will get me into the
great outdoors.
This page is under
construction.Please come back later.
check out this siteTexas
Outdoors See my new rockclub pageCentral Texas Gem & Mineral Society
In this section you will find links to other pages I have made.Most of these will take you to sites with more than one page. Please take a look at all the pages while you are there. All of these are made on a webtv using html codes. Hope you enjoy them.....Thanks Don
That's all for now..Hope you enjoy some of these