
The red uakari gives birth to a single offspring. There are no external signs of estrus in female red uakaris. It was found that in a seminatural environment and in captivity that the birth season for this species is from May to October (Fontaine, 1981). This species gives birth at night (Fontaine, 1981). In Peru the births occurred between December and March (Aquino and Encarnacion, 1994). Mothers will first carry their infants ventrolaterally, but when they become older (between the third and fourth month) the mother will switch to carrying the infant dorsally (Fontaine, 1981). Mothers are the only adults who carry infants (Cox et al., 1987).

The ritual of copulation begins with the male sniffing and/or licking the genitalia of the female (Fontaine, 1981). If the female is non-receptive, she will try to escape or engage in aggressive behavior with the male (Fontaine, 1981). Receptive females will sometimes rub the anogenital region on branches (Fontaine, 1981). Receptive females will stand quadrupedally with the hindquarters facing the male with the tail raised (Fontaine, 1981). Males will approach the female, sniffing while he approaches (Fontaine, 1981). The male will mount the female with the thighs abducted and flexed (Fontaine, 1981). Copulation last five minutes with multiple intromissions separated by pauses, and both the male and female will make pelvic thrusts during copulation (Fontaine, 1981). After copulation the male will sniff the female's genitalia and engage in social grooming (Fontaine, 1981). Copulation can occur at intervals of one-half hour to several hours when the female is receptive (Fontaine, 1981). During the time the female is receptive she may mate with the same male or different males (Fontaine, 1981).

Last Updated: October 15, 2003.
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