dreamer divider
There Are Three Kinds Of Souls
Three Kinds of Prayers...
One: I am a Bow in your hands,
Lord. Draw me lest I rot.
Two: Do Not Overdraw me,
Lord. I shall Break.
Three: Overdraw Me, and Who Cares
if I break!
Nicos Kazantzakis
from "Report to Greco"...

At Seventeen

I learned the truth at Seventeen
That Love was meant for Beauty Queens
and high school girls with clear skinned smiles
who married young and then retired.
The Valentine's I never knew
The Friday night charades of youth;
were spent on one more beautiful
at Seventeen I learned the truth.
And those of us with ravaged faces
lacking in the social graces
desperately remained at home,
inventing lovers on the phone
Who call to say "Come Dance With Me"
and murmered vague obscenities,
it isn't all it seems at seventeen
To those of us that knew the pain
of Valentines that never came
and those whose names were never called
when choosing sides for basketball.
It was long ago and far away;
The world was younger than today,
and dreams were all they gave for free
for Ugly Duckling girls like me.

~~~Janis Ian "1976"

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Lady Kali is missing, do you know where she moved?
Graphics By LadyKali