Intro O&C. Obsessions Compulsions OCD- Cycle OCD- Symptoms OCD- Aspects

   Hyper- Responsibility.
   Hit- and- Run.
   Violent and/or Sexual Obsessions.
   Send in your Personal Experiences. 

Some Aspects Of OCD.

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Hoarding or Compulsive Hoarding.

   This is the urge to keep items that aren't necessarily of any value or which aren't useful to anyone but the person who Hoards. Items are also kept because they may be needed 1 day.

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   The fear of doing/saying/thinking in a way that would be blasphemous.

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Hyper- Responsibility.

   Like the word says, the intensified feeling of Responsibility resulting in feeling as if your actions can prevent harm from happening to others.

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Hit- and- Run.

   The very present fear that while driving you may have run over a person/animal without always having a true reason for thinking this. The person may check his route for possible casualties and will also listen to the news and read the next day paper to see whether any accidents where reported.

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Violent and/or Sexual Obsessions.

   The person will have thoughts, impulses or images go through her/his mind that are of a very violent and/or sexual nature. They cause much distress and submerge the person in the continuous doubt of "What If" they would act upon these thoughts.

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If you would like to include your personal experience with either 1 of these OCD Aspects, select your topic and add your comment.
This can be done completely anonymously if you prefer.

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