The Presentation of Sponsors - one of the highlights of every first semester of training. This is a ceremonial parade in which the members of the Corps of Sponsors are presented to the units they will present. This signifies that a new Corps of Sponsors is officially recognized by the university. The ceremony is highlighted by a parade in honor of the chancellor and other university officials. The guest speaker, who awards the outstanding sponsors, is usually the chancellor of UPLB.

The Smoker's Day - this is the drill day that breaks the routine of miltary drills and lectures. On this particular day, the last drill day before Christmas break, the Department of Civil Military training (DCMT) staff, the Corps of Sponsors and the Cadets Corps hold a program. Each unit has to present a number, it is either a song, dance or anything that will delight the group. There are parlor games and inter-battalion sports competition. The Smoker's Day is the Christmas celebration of the Corps of Cadets.

The Cadets Ball - There are two formal cadet balls per school year. The one held in the first semester is the Sponsor's Ball. During this affair, sponsors are inducted during the candle-lighting ceremony. This is a formal dinner-dance among cadet officers and sponsors. The second is the graduation ball or the Ring Hop. This hop is in the honor of the graduating advance cadets in which each one of them goes to the Bull ring with their love one and don the Vanguard ring. they are given tiome to express their feelings before leaving the Corps. The incomin first class cadets make their promise for betterment of the Corps on this occassion also.


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