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A Tribute to September 11th

The One Year Anniversary

As you know, the events of September 11th changed the world forever. On that day we saw how evil, evil could be.
This page is dedicated to the 3,056 victims who lost their lives in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania.

At 8:46am, the doomed Flight 11 carrying 81 passengers careened into the north tower of the WTC.

While the events in New York were unfolding, the Pentagon was hit by another doomed flight.

That fateful Tuesday morning started off like any other beautiful September day. The skies were the clear, the sun was out, it was perfectly normal.
The Day Of Infamy 
It started out like any other day
The sun was warm and the sky was blue
Kids got up and got ready for school
While parents went to work
But out of each and everyone of us
We had no idea what lie aheadâ¦

At about 8:45 a plane hit a tower
We all watched in horror
As it glowed with fire
A little bit later the second plane hit
As we all cried in terror
They started to fall
We all ran in fear
As we all prayed to God

It's now been a year
Since all four planes have crashed
And even though it has been one year
It still feels like it all happened just one day ago
Our hearts still are hurt
And we still feel broken
But in this act of terror
We've become more united
    -Credits: Rachelle

People all over watched in disbelief as the World Trade Center burned. . .

. . .Then the unthinkable happened, the famous 110-story WTC towers fell to dust.

The whole world was shocked by the fall of the towers and the economy and life as we know it virtually stopped as everyone was glued to their TV sets for the week after the attacks.

The FDNY showed their bravery that day by rushing into burning buildings to save the helpless.


We will always remember that day that changed America. . . United We Stand.

At 9:03am on live television, United Airlines Flight 175 struck the south tower at deadly speeds.

Later in the morning, Flight 93 went down in a field. This plane was full of heroes though.