I HAVE UPDATED MY WHOLE WEBSITE AND ADDED 6 NEW VIDEO UPDATES FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST!!!! Hi everyone! Ron Coon's Vintage Racing has joined the world of YouTube!!! I plan on doing video updates that will be on www.youtube.com. While I will admit it is in the very unprofessional stage I still think you will enjoy it. I also plan on doing updates and insight to how the races go throughout the 2010 race season. Well things have gotten back to some what normal as far as my work schedule is concerned but now all of my spare time has been taken up with getting the race car ready for the 2010 race season. There will be more video updates in June as we finish up the car getting it ready for the first race of the year which will be Memorial Day weekend.
CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING LINKS FOR MY VIDEO UPDATES!!!! RON COON MOTORSPORTS CHASSIS PAINTING 1 RON COON MOTORSPORTS CHASSIS PAINTING 2 Ron Coon Motorsports Chassis Painting 3 The Finale Ron Coon Motorsports Chassis Assembly 1 Ron Coon Motorsports Chassis Assembly Finale "The Roller" Ron Coon Motorsports Interior Painting Ron Coon Motorsports 2010 Paint Scheme ron coon motorsportsdrive train assembly ron coon motorsports firing up the motor NEW ron coon motorsports motor runs 250 + degrees NEW vintage dirt track racing of today pt 1 NEW 1999 webster vintage reunion pt 1 NEW 1999 webster city vintage reunion pt 2 NEW 2000 webster city vintage reunion NEW 2002 webster city vintage reunion
Ron Coon Motorsports is proud to announce www.dougsdirtdiary.com as a new sponsor for the 2010 race season.
Check out Doug's Wednesday December 16th 2009 interview with Ron under the Audio link or click on the following link
Make sure to let Doug know that Ron Coon sent you!