The Chipmunk Crusade


Lords and Masters
The Insanity of ME!
The World
The Beautiful People
My Family
Maidens and Queens
Great Specimins of life
Words of Wisdom
The Beautiful People

This used to be my recomendations page, but I love my friends so much that I'm changing it to picture of none other than my friends....YAY! (if anyone has pictures of themselves that they would like to give me...*hint* *hint*)

could there be more???


Carrie, Ryanne, Me, Jenni, Leslie, and Jenna. my birthday '02


Josh, me, Laura, and Jason at the 8th grade formal in B-Town


Lauren and I goofin off in a picture booth after my softball tournament.
summer 2002



Most of my friends from Borger...and Niki and myself looking very oddish! YAY. love ya Niki!

Kyce and Doug being goofy before the winter dance.


Hector actually letting me take his picture, and Lisa with my puppy!


Me and my "fiance" Chad.
Lauren and Heather being pretty.


Laura and myself being the dorks that we are



I love all these people and hold them dear to me. If theres not a picture of you, well sorry because i dont have one...ARG! *smile*