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Romeo   Soul Corpse  Lyric to Myself  A Fame  Following the Flame  101 Ways to Say "Shy"  

Crazy Angel Adopt a fear  Fateful Faith OceanBlack Pools Ode to Little Me Clutching a Robot 

Puzzle Dé Jà Vu

Crazy Angel

Thinking back, alone at night,

in a long moment of stillness-


The vision is hazy,

tainted by overlapping images of years gone by

and recorded-

your eyes a little crazier everyday.


We met-

We could see nowhere from here

in the dunes-

under a moon,

voices and silhouettes

sweet cedar and sweat

melting into the breeze

and circling our heads.


The rush at once

suspended in time-

moon prism-

like a phrase you speak forever

or falling, the wind in our hair.


A dance, an ach fulfilled,

and it was the pain inside-

I recall it now-

you released it with a smile.


To have an angel stolen away.

Years passed.

I remember the tears and the heaving-

it was easy to feel things.


Others came and went

and your eyes a little crazier everyday.


I saw your ghost again

a hug, a look and-

I knew-

still haunting the moments of the past,

you live on in buried souls, disappearing love.


I fear stolen rush

stolen relief stolen angels.


Your eyes crazier everyday-

leave me 

Oh angel of sand flies, blood shot white

not with eyes I fight

but the clouds of blue I first knew

and banish the others away..


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