A Journey along the Jordan River

Abraham blog page

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Thank you for celebrating The Seeds of Abraham Spiritual Group founded by in 2010 in Indianapolis, In. During a time of great depression in the United States; someone had to go into the world with a spiritual message for the people.  Thousands were homeless, and millions had lost their jobs, and life saving some was even handcuffing themselves to their homes. Once a military soldier for the United States Navy, now a warrior for God decided to do something for the people and began The Seeds of Abraham Spiritual Group; today they have over 300 members and still growing they are offering a host of relief efforts to the homeless, to the unemployed, and to the future buildersa of America.  I just want to Thank everyone who believe in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord; for the wonderful blessing he has provided for us over the past three years of service, by purchasing one of our GIft Baskets not only will you become a part of an empire but a believer of the Lord as well come and share your thoughts and message of hopwe with us as we serve God together this year in 2014 (thank you)
Sincerely yours
William Beale 

Exercise your spirit so that it will show in your "Performance",
At the Abraham blog page, we will allow other members to blog about their interest and concerns.  We also may share valuable information for improving your marketing skills, or your personal business goals.
Stay tuned in for more information!

Living a Shelter Life
It has been about a journey for me; after returning out of the military back in 1982, for 19 years I have worked in the fast food industry. until the year of 2000
And having a home to come home to was a thing of the past, I just couldn't achieve a well controlled lifestyle to maintain or to keep a roof over my head.
And living in a shelter became my new home, especially during the winter months.  Maybe in the back of my mind I thought that I was getting out of paying rent and having the expense's of housekeeping.
But I soon found out that having a place was not in the cards, if I wasn't traveling somewhere, then I was living in a shelter. Finally it got to the point that I started questioning myself well being.
Nothing was working, not a job, not a girlfriend, not even a roommate to share the place with.  It was like living in emptyiness!

The Seeds of Abraham Spiritual Group email:billbeale2001@yahoo.com Fort Belvoir, Va.22306