Witch Grass Coven
Home | About The Witch Grass Coven | New Membership | Introduction to the High Priest | Introduction to the High Priestess | Curriculum and Requirements | Reading List | What is NROOGD? | History of NROOGD | Cords of NROOGD | Essential facts about the history and nature of the Craft | The Sabbaths | The Craft Laws | The Wiccan Rede | A Daily Litany for the Lady | Invoking and Evoking | The 13 Wishes: A Wiccaning | Poetry | Coven Articles | Moon Lore | NorthWest NROOGD | Candle Magick | The Witches Credo | Herbal Exercises | Links

Many of these links are for us to use for more information, some are just for fun!

Pagan Pride

Witches Voice

New Reformed Orthodox Order of theGolden Dawn

Broom and Cauldron Pagan Parenting

Sons and Daughters of Hecate

Cloak Making Guide

The Pythagorean Pentacle

The Book of Shadows of Riders of the Crystal Wind

In Perfect love and perfect trust.