Title: Drive

Author: wolfen (wolfen17@charter.net)

Series: CSI G/S

Rating: NC17

Summary: Sometimes you don't want to make any decisions; you just want kick back, relax, and let someone else drive.

Author's Notes: This is my first CSI fanfiction although I have written several ST:TNG fanfics. It hasn't been beta'd so feel free to send nit picks so I can fix them.

* * * * *

It was her night off...the first one she'd had in weeks...the first one since she had heard him in the interrogation room with Dr. Lurie. Her booted feet clicked on the sidewalk, the sounds coming from her heels muted from the rain that had drenched Las Vegas for the last two hours; rain that had caused the heat from the asphalt to sublimate into steam.

*Damn, it was hotter than hell*

She thought as she flicked her hair mindlessly hoping it wouldn't curl to an outrageous level.

Her stride was confident as she made her way down the strip to the turn that would take her to where she wanted to go. She was going to a place where the music was loud, and belted it's rhythm to the beat of racing hearts. Where the light was not revealing of who you were, or what your reasons for being there might be. A place where a person could feel the heat of another without the heartbreak of anything more complicated than the need to touch and be touched. A place of anonymity. The perfect place for her right now.

* * * * *

It was his first night off in what seemed like forever. He was driving slowly down the traffic congested strip on his way to his favorite back room poker game when something caught his attention up ahead on the sidewalk. At first, all he saw was the black leather encasing legs that seemed to go on forever. His eyes traveled up to the shimmering silver top that hovered above the waist line revealing an expanse of pale skin. Grissom started to turn his head to catch a glimpse of the face that belonged to leather as the woman flicked her dark hair, and turned down the side street.


He gasped as the face registered in his mind.

Grissom pulled his Tahoe around the next corner, and found a parking space. He hopped out, and walked back to where he last saw Sara. He stopped, and stared down the side street before coming to a decision. He couldn't help the uncontrollable urge he had to see where she was going.

* * * * *

"Top or bottom?" they asked her as she handed them her twenty cover.

Sara laughed. It all seemed ridiculously simple to her.

"Bottom," She answered without a thought. She didn't want to think. And she didn't want to make decisions. She just wanted to feel something...anything besides the dull ache that seemed to be her constant companion.

She lifted her right hand, and they put a red neon band around it. The door buzzed open, and she walked into another world.

The deep bass of the rhythm of the song immediately wound its way though her body causing it to thrum along in time to its beat. Sara skirted the edge of the dance floor, and made her way to the bar. She slid into an opening, and waited for the bartender to notice her.

"What'll be?" he asked her as he started to pour a drink.

Before she could voice her order, a hand came down next to hers on the counter with a green neon band shining from on the wrist.

"Two shots of tequila," the voice said.

Sara turned her head to the side, and eyed the man. He was taller than her, with dark hair and even darker eyes that asked a question.

The shots were placed in front of them, and the man threw money on the counter. He picked up his shot and quirked an eyebrow at her. She picked up her shot, and together they tossed them back.

Question answered.

* * * * *

Grissom was getting frustrated. He had been in three clubs already, and there was only one more to go. She had to be in this one. He walked in, and was getting his wallet out to pay another outrageous cover charge when they asked him: "Top or bottom?"

His hand paused on its way to delivery the cash, "Excuse me?"

"Are you dominant or not? Top or bottom?"

Grissom threw the money down and said, "Top."

He put his hand out, and a green band was put on it.

* * * * *

She wasn't sure how long she had been in the club, but she was exactly where she wanted to be. Her inhibitions were taken of care of by the shots of tequila she and the "dark man" had tipped at the bar. And, her free will was freely given to that same man who was now slowly grinding himself into her from behind in some weird erotic dance as the music beat on and the lights flashed hypnotically.

She could feel the heat of his breath on her neck, the sweetness of the tequila making her mouth water at the thought of tasting it on his tongue. She could feel his strong hands gripping her hips tightly as he pulled her ass back against the hardness that was straining against the fabric of his jeans. She could feel her nipples pressing against the fabric of her shirt, the friction making them hard. With all that she felt at this time, she briefly reflected that she didn't feel lonely. And that was the most important thing of all.

"Come on..." the man said as he grabbed her hand and led her off the dance floor.

Sara was about to ask where were they going, but stopped herself. It wasn't her call, it was his. She liked it, not having to think about what she should do, and when she should do it. That was his job. She was just along for the ride. She was just here for the feel of it.

* * * * *

Grissom made his way to the bar, all the while scanning the club and its patrons. When he first entered he was afraid it might be in the same vein as Lady Heather's type of fetish. However, it didn't appear to be that outrageous. He saw that people either wore the green neon bands such as himself, or red ones which he assumed were people that were bottoms. He also noticed that any pairings he saw were between reds and greens. But still, at least no one was getting whipped as far as he could see, and that was a good thing. Inflicting pain didn't really do anything for him.

He turned his back to the bar, and leaned his elbows back to get in a good position to scan the club in search of Sara. He was distracted from his task by a man who came up to the woman who was seated next to him at the bar.

"Are you taken?" the man asked her.

She turned towards him, and seemed to contemplate his question for a moment before she replied, "No, I'm not."

The man took the hand with the red neon band on it, and raised it to his mouth grazing her knuckles with his lips.

"You are now," he said as he led her from the bar to the dance floor.

Grissom was starting to get the picture here. It wasn't a BDSM club with all the paraphernalia that entailed, but it was a club where people choose to be in control or not as the case may be.

Grissom's eyes followed the couple but he was instantly attracted by flash of silver on the far side. He moved off his spot at the bar, and slowly walked around the dancers until he could get a clear shot of who it was. He stopped abruptly as he saw Sara slowly grinding into a man behind her. Before his brain could fully process the scene before him, the man had her by the wrist, a wrist with a red band on it, and was practically pulling her away from the dance floor.

His shock and indecision didn't last long. If Sara wanted what her color indicated, he would be the one to give it to her...not some nameless man. She was his, and it was about time he claimed her.

* * * * *

The dance floor appeared to be the center of attraction for the club. This, however, was not the case. The dark recesses located around the dance floor were where the real action took place. It was full of shadowed alcoves where a person could get lost in. That’s where Sara found herself right now, lost in the darkness, lost in the moment, and God help her lost in the feel of this mans tongue as it forced its way into her mouth.

Sara hummed out a sound of pleasure as the man pushed her up against the wall, and brought his knee up in between her legs moving it against her while his right hand roughly grabbed her breast. She groaned in disappointment as she felt his heat suddenly leave her. She licked her lips thinking he was just going to adjust his position, but a voice she didn’t expect to hear, nor did she particularly want to hear, brought her eyes snapping open.

“Get away from her. She’s mine.”

Sara stood up straight. One part of her was mortified that he was here, and was seeing her like this. Another part of her was angry that he had interrupted something that was none of his business.

“Grissom!” she said.

Grissom turned his eyes away from the man briefly to look at her, and she would have taken a step back had she not already been against the wall.

“Be quiet,” he said with almost no emotion except for the look in his eyes.

She watched as he turned back toward the man he had just pulled off her, somewhat fascinated if not a little bit afraid of a Grissom she had never seen before, and had no idea existed.

The man glanced at Sara as if looking for some sort of explanation for what was happening.

“Don’t look at her. She has no say in this,” Grissom said to the man as he pushed his shoulder to get him to turn back and face him.

Sara felt like she should say something, protest, yell, or scream at him. How dare he presume to rescue her after the past year of being a basic non-entity in his world, and now this? But there was a part of her that was excited beyond her ability to speak at the aggressive and possessive display he was putting on in front of her. What did it mean? Was he serious when he said she was his, or was that just a ploy to get her out of here&ldots;to save her? If it was the latter, he was in for some serious shit from her. But, oh&ldots;if it was the former, if she was his&ldots;.

The man looked for a second into Grissom’s eyes before muttering, “I didn’t know. She didn’t say anything.”

“Now you know,” Grissom said.

It took about a half a second for the man to make his decision, and without a look or a word, he left.

Sara watched the man leave, and then turned her attention to the man that was left. Grissom was turned slightly away from her, and she waited for him to say something. Time passed, 30 seconds, a minute. Sara sighed; it was the same old, same old. She came off the wall, and she moved to step past him when his hand shot out, and grabbed her roughly by the arm.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he said.

She tried to jerk her arm away from him, but he turned into her, grabbed her other arm, and pushed her up against the wall. He put his body flush up against hers, holding her there, his breath coming in harsh gasps.

“What did you think you were doing?” he asked roughly pushing his body further into her to punctuate what he was saying.

Sara looked into his eyes which were the darkest blue she had ever seen with pupils black with fierce anger. She was willing to play the part when it was an anonymous adventure with someone she would never see again, but this was Grissom.

“Grissom, let go of me,” she hissed through her teeth as she tried to move off the wall.

“No,” he answered with a tightening of his hands on her arms keeping her in place. “That’s not what you came here for is it? You came here for this&ldots;”

Sara’s eyes widened as he slid his right hand up her arm and to her chest where he roughly grabbed her breast massaging it slowly, his fingers biting into the sensitive flesh. She was about to protest, but no words came out of her mouth because all of a sudden he was there covering up any sound with his lips.

Just as soon as she snuck her tongue out to get a taste of him, he just as suddenly left her mouth for her neck where he bit his way from the base where the collarbone is all the way up to her ear where he whispered in a hoarse voice, “And you came for this&ldots;”

Sara had been so intent on what his mouth was doing to her she lost track of his hands which had made their way to her backside where they squeezed the rounded flesh, cupping it to lift her up against the hardness she now felt prominently pressing its way into her center.

“Grissom&ldots;please,” she said in a heated breath by his ear.

Grissom pulled back to look at her, his eyes burning into her.

“Please what?”

She didn’t know what to say to that, not that he gave her a chance before he rattled off another question.

“Please stop?”

Sara’s eyes widened at that as she realized that no, she didn’t want him to stop, ever.

Grissom pushed up against her again causing her back to grind into the wall behind her almost painfully. He moved his right hand from her rear to the front of her where he started rubbing her juncture through the slick leather that covered her.

His lips moved to just a hair breadth away from hers, his breath coming in harsh gasps as he growled out in a voice so deep and lust laden that she thought she might come just from the sound of it, “I’m not going to stop, Sara&ldots;.I can’t.”

And then he was crushing his lips to hers.

* * * * *

Sara was lost in the total sensory experience of the man with her at this moment&ldots;the taste of him as his tongue swept forcefully through her mouth&ldots;the smell of him as she forced air in through her nostrils&ldots;and the feel of his body pushed up against her. She gasped against his mouth as she felt the hand that had been rubbing her center move up, and deftly undo the button of her pants. She squirmed a bit, but he just maneuvered himself in between the fabric and her skin. His fingers slid between her slick folds rubbing back and forth until the tissue opened up to him and he slid not one but two fingers into her.

Grissom left her mouth and made a trail of small kisses punctuated by tiny nibbles along her jaw to her ear where he sucked in a lobe. He let go, and Sara was dimly aware of his labored breaths that seem to be in time to the rhythm of his fingers.

“God, Sara&ldots;you’re so wet. Is that from me or are you like that for all the men?” he said harshly into her ear.

“Grissom&ldots;” Sara moaned out, desperate to say something that would tell him exactly what he did to her, but she found herself incoherent as he possessed her.

Grissom’s fingers became more insistent; moving in and out of her while the palm of that same hand stimulated her bundle of pleasure.

“You’re mine, Sara&ldots;.always mine&ldots;Say it&ldots;”

Sara could feel that place just south of her stomach start to bunch and the energy to coalesce.

“Say it!” he demanded as he laid his teeth against the flesh of her throat, not biting hard, but with enough pressure to lay claim.

“Oh God Grissom, I’m yours&ldots;I’ve always been yours&ldots;always,” she said as she grasped his hair and held on as the energy exploded from a white hot center through her whole body.

* * * * *

Grissom breathed in harsh gasps against the side of her neck, the scent of her arousal filled his head as her juices soaked his fingers below. He stroked her gently as the last spasms of her orgasm gripped him. His erection strained against the confining fabric of his pants making him painfully aware of his own state, and of how much he wanted to be in her right now while she was still contracting with the pleasure he caused.

He slowly withdrew his fingers from her, and gave her mound a final possessive squeeze before he withdrew his hand from her pants.

He felt her hand slide from where it was entangled in the back of his hair down his body to where she rubbed the palm up and down the outline of his member. He grunted a moan of pleasure, and thrust against her trying to increase the contact. The enjoyment was almost mind numbingly exquisite. But, when she made a move for the button of his pants, the logistics of the location made its way through his lust laden brain.

He grabbed her hand, and put it above her head pinning it there. He brought his head up to look her in the eyes.

“I want you,” he said with certain intensity.

“I know,” she said as she went to move her other hand down towards the front of him.

He grabbed this hand also, and placed it above her head in a similar position as the other one. He leaned against her with his weight, and pressed his aching arousal into her. She moaned her delight, her breath fanning across his face.

“I want to be in you. Take you, fuck you until you scream your release,” he said in a hoarse voice as he illustrated his intentions with thrusts of his body.

Her eyelids drooped close, and he felt her moving up and down trying to increase the pressure on her center. He stopped all movement, and watched entranced, her arousal clearly visible. She opened her eyes, and looked at him.

“Please,” she whimpered as she moved against him.

He crushed his lips against her, his tongue shooting out to sweep through her mouth in a fierce but short kiss. He pulled back, and took her arms from above her head. He kept hold of one of her hands, and pulled on it.

“Come on,” he said.

With no questions, she followed him out of the club.

* * * * *

Grissom led her along the damp sidewalk that Sara had used earlier. His pace was sure and fast, and had she been a shorter woman she probably would have had to run a little to keep up with him. As it was, her brain seemed to have taken a back seat to all that was going on. It’s not that she didn’t feel anything, because nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, she was hypersensitive to the things around her, and in her for that matter. She could feel the humid night air as it settled on her flushed skin. She could feel the wetness of her soaked underwear. She could feel the firm grip of the hand that held hers. And God help her, she could still taste him on the tip of her tongue.

Before she knew it, they were at his Tahoe. He pulled on her hand until she was by the door, and she turned as if to ready herself to get in. She was somewhat startled as he spun her around to face him. His hands snaked around her body as he moved into her and pushed her back against the truck. Her hands came up and spread out against his chest, not to push him away, never that, but to steady herself against him.

“Look at me,” he commanded.

Sara brought her eyes up to meet his, and was instantly captured by the intensity she saw there.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked.

Sara slid her hands up from Grissom’s chest until they curled around the back of his head. She tightened her grip, and brought his head closer to her as she moved into his. Before her lips touched his she answered, “Yes.”

Unlike their previous kisses, she moved her lips gently across his trying to convey to him not only her answer but a little bit of what she truly felt. His lips were warm and pliant, but not actively participating.

“Yes,&ldots;.yes&ldots;&ldots;.yes,” she breathed softly against him in between kisses.

As the last yes sounded against him, Grissom groaned and returned the kiss. He threaded his right hand up the nape of her neck and through her hair. With a slight pull, he tipped her head back away from him. Sara made a soft noise indicating her displeasure at the loss of contact.

Grissom moved in and dipped his head to her neck where he bit the flesh at the junction of her neck and collar bone before he let go of her completely. He took a little step back as if to keep from the temptation of her, and reached his hand in his pocket where he retrieved his keys. He unlocked the door, and moved to open it for her.

Sara slid into the seat brushing her body along his arm as she did so. The door closed, and Grissom walked around to enter the other side. Without a word, he started the car, and drove in the direction of his townhouse.

* * * * *

Grissom silently opened the door of his home, and gestured for Sara to enter ahead of him. The ride from the bar had been quiet, but the tension had literally rippled through the air. Now that he was here and more importantly now that he had her here with him, he felt the need to control his desires more fervently. It wasn’t that he was going to back out now, no; nothing could be further from the truth. He just needed to control how and when he lost control&ldots;when she let him lose control. And damn, he wanted to more than anything. He just had to be sure she was ready.

Grissom closed the door, and locked it behind him. Still, with no words spoken between them, he went to the bar, and poured two drinks. He lifted them up in his hands, and walked over to Sara who had stopped by the couch and was looking at him with dark eyes shaded with passion. He handed her one of the glasses.

She took a hold of it, her fingers grazing his hand as he let go. Grissom didn’t break eye contact as he tipped the glass, and downed the contents.

“What’s this?” she asked her voice low and breathy to his ears.

“Whiskey&ldots; a very fine, aged whiskey. Drink.” He answered with a flick of the wrist that held his now empty cup.

Sara tilted the glass back, took a hesitant first sip before tossing the whole thing back, her throat flexing convulsively around the pungent liquor.

Sara reached across to Grissom and retrieved his glass, and along with hers put it down on the coffee table. As she turned back toward him, Grissom took a step towards her until he was close enough to feel the heat from her body. Sara gasped a little upon finding him so close to her, but Grissom didn’t let this deter him. She wanted someone to control her, to own her, that’s why he found her where he did. He wasn’t going to back out now. He was going to own every inch of her before this was over. He was going to have her scream out his ownership, beg him to take her, beg him to make her his, and promise him never again with another man&ldots;never again!

He grabbed her by the arms, his fingers digging into the flesh. It wasn’t enough to bruise, but it was enough pressure to set the tone. Grissom looked into her eyes, and saw them impossibly darker than before, and her breathing had markedly increased. He slid his left hand around to her lower back where he pressed her further into his body letting her feel the hard length of him against her.

“Can you feel what you do to me, Sara?” he hissed out against her cheek.

“You make me want you&ldots;from the first time I saw you I wanted you. Tonight, Sweet Sara, Temptress Sara, I’m going to make you want me as much as I want you.”

* * * * *

God, if he didn’t start touching more of her soon she was going to die. Was he crazy? Not want him? He was all she ever wanted. Didn’t he know that?

Before she could voice her desires, she let out a surprise yelp as he reached down and picked her up in his arms. Her hands instinctively flew around and grasped his neck to keep her balance. Sara leaned her head into the side of Grissom’s neck as he walked to the hallway to what she assumed was his bedroom. She breathed in his scent and darted her tongue out to taste the perspiration that was gathering in the tan skin as she heard the door being kicked open, and then just as quickly being kicked closed again.

Grissom walked a few steps then stopped. He released her legs and she put them on the floor, his arms were still around her.

“There’s no going back, you understand that don’t you?” Grissom asked her.

She held his gaze, and after a moment she nodded her head.

“I want to see you,” he said as he moved back and sat on the bed.

Sara stood there a moment, unsure of what he wanted. His gaze was piecing and just a little bit eager, and Sara realized in a flash what he wanted.

She smiled a slow, seductive smile and reached her hands up to the hem of her silver spaghetti string top. She rubbed her fingers over the hem a bit, all the while slowly lifting it up her stomach until she reached the bottom of her bra-less breasts. She staggered her upward trek at this point until she saw the tip of Grissom’s tongue peak out to wet his lips in anticipation. Then, in one fall swoop, she yanked the material up and over her head, throwing the shirt off to the side.

Without too much thought, or fanfare, she moved her hands to the button and zipper of her leather pants, and undid them in two coordinated motions. At this point, she did look up to see how Grissom was taking it. She saw that his eyes were aptly riveted to what she was doing, and more surprised to see one of his hands rubbing along the length prominently outlined in his pants. Now it was Sara’s turn to stick her tongue out to moisten her lips. She wanted to touch him, oh so badly.

“Keep going,” Grissom rumbled out.

Sara’s eyes snapped back to his a little guilty at being caught. She toed off her shoes, and kicked them to the side. Then, she hooked her thumbs into the tops of her pants, and slowly started to drag them down past her hips, and let them drop around her feet. She stepped out of her pants, and with a backward swipe of her foot, kicked them out of the way.

Now, she stood before Grissom in only her underwear, as he sat on the bed and looked up at her.

“You’re beautiful,” he said breathlessly as he reached out and grasped her hips.

He brought his face to her stomach, and kissed her there. His tongue darted out for a quick taste, and then his grip intensified as he snaked his other hand around and brought her firmly against his face. He rubbed the beard hair against her stomach, and Sara thought she’d die from the intensely personal gesture. Sara ran her hands through Grissom’s hair, stroking the scalp with her nails.

In a move that startled her with its quickness, he shot up from the bed, and kissed her fiercely, his tongue sweeping through her mouth boldly. His hands slid around behind her and down her back to where the fingertips dove under the elastic of her panties allowing him to firmly grasp both mounds of flesh.

Grissom left Sara’s mouth, and moved to her neck where he placed biting kisses on his way down her body. He rubbed his beard over her left breast and nipple, and Sara gasped out a moan. The man was absolutely driving her insane with the way he moved over her, and at this point she didn’t think she could wait until he was moving in her.

“Please, Gris,” she whispered through clenched teeth as he sucked her nipple into his mouth.

He didn’t answer her, he just moved over to the other breast and lavished it with the same attention he did the first. Sara could feel the electricity as it shot from her nipple to her core causing her to clench in excitement.

She needed to feel him, feel his skin on hers. She clenched her hands tighter into the muscle of his shoulders, and pulled to get him to come up to her.

“I want to touch you,” she said as he came up and met her eyes.

Grissom backed away slightly, and let his arms drop palms facing forward. His mouth was set in a straight, grim line and his body appeared tense. But, one look in his eyes and she could see the passion, see the barely controlled lust. She wanted to make him loose that control.

She darted her tongue out to wet her lips, and his eyes instantly tracked the motion and unconsciously imitated it with a little tongue thrust of his own. Sara walked up to him, and slid his jacket off, throwing it to the rear where most of her clothes landed. She ran her hands over his chest feeling the musculature underneath twitch before she proceeded to unbutton his shirt.

His skin was tan and relatively hairless underneath, but thickly muscled in the chest area. Her hands skimmed down his ribs to his sides which had more mass, but was still tight as only men seem to be able to pull off with extra weight. She untucked the shirt, and pushed it off his body letting it drop to the floor forgotten.

Her eyes were drawn to the significant bulge in his pants, and she couldn’t help but wonder if it hurt to be so cramped up when in that condition. Without a conscious thought of what she was doing, she reached her hand out, and felt the hard length of him through the fabric.

Sara moaned out a hoarse, “Mmmmm,” as she looked up to find Grissom staring at her intently.

Grissom’s hand shot out, and grabbed her wrist moving it away from his hard flesh.

“Not yet,” he said.

Then, he pulled her to him again, and kissed her. This time, it wasn’t as hard and possessive as the previous kisses, but it was just as hungry and full of want. His lips moved decisively over hers, his tongue making lazy swipes inside her mouth.

Sara was so lost in the moment that she didn’t realize he had maneuvered her around until she felt the slight push from him which caused her to slowly fall back on the bed. She took the hint instantly, and scooted backward until she was in a comfortable semi-supine position with her head and neck against the pillows.

She watched him silently as he undid his pants and then reach down to take of his shoes before coming back up to finish taking off his pants. Sara felt a tightness of anticipation in her chest as he slid his pants and underwear off in one motion.

Grissom just stood there and let her look at him. Sara couldn’t help but stare. She had no idea that baggy chinos could hide so&ldots;.much. She felt her muscles clench, and a rush of fluid soak her already damp panties once again. She couldn’t ever remember having such a charge of unmitigated lust at the site of a naked man before in her life. But then again, this wasn’t just any man. He never was.

“Do you like what you see?”

Grissom’s voice startled her, and she realized she must have been doing a wanton goldfish stare. She reluctantly raised her eyes to his face, and smiled.

“Yes. You’re&ldots;.magnificent. I had no&ldots;I mean&ldots;it’s&ldots;you’re&ldots;wow.”

Sara saw the ghost of a smile tilting at the corners of his mouth.

“It’s my intention Ms. Sidle, to get you to say more than “wow”. In fact, I want to make you scream,” he said as he leaned down on the bed, and started to crawl up to where she was.

Grissom kneeled between her legs, and hooked his hands under her legs. He lifted up which caused her butt to slide down and bump into hard flesh. He moved his hips back and forth, his cock sliding deliciously over her sensitive flesh.

“I’ve always wondered what it would be like when we made love for the first time. How I would take my time, kiss every inch of you, use my fingers and tongue to stroke you to make sure you were ready to take me&ldots;all of me&ldots;because nothing made me harder than the thought of being able to put every inch of me in you, Sara. All the way&ldots;everything&ldots;.Do you want that Sara?”

His voice was almost hypnotically seductive, and Sara almost missed the question as he was rubbing himself along her cleft until the motion stopped.

“Huh?” she said breathlessly as she moved her hips trying to get the touch she craved back.

Grissom moved himself away from her making her loose contact. Sara groaned out her disappointment.

“What do you want, Sara? Tell me.”

Sara looked into his eyes, “I want you, Grissom. I’ve always wanted you. I want you to be in me, taking me, fucking me because I am yours.”

“Mine,” Grissom growled out as he lowered himself to her.

His kissed her hard; his left hand snaking under her left shoulder as his right hand guided the tip of his cock to her entrance.

His mouth left hers and he drug his tongue up to her ear.

“This is going to hurt. You can cry out, scratch, bite do what you have to&ldots;but I won’t be able to stop. I need you&ldots;all of you. I can’t control&ldots;”

Sara grabbed him by the hair, and pulled him back where she could see him.

“Fuck me, Grissom.”

And with that he slammed into her, all the way. Sara screamed out her pain/pleasure as her nails dug into the flesh of his arms.

Grissom stopped, and looked down at her, his teeth clenched.

“Mine?” he questioned.

“Yours,” Sara answered as he began to slowly thrust into her.

With each move into her Sara felt the sensation grow. It was like being full, complete. He was everywhere in her, touching her, feeling her. Damn, he felt great. It hurt but what didn’t hurt with Grissom. Pain just came with the territory. But, it was of the make it hurt so good variety. And she’d be lying if she said that she didn’t like it.

“Harder, Grissom. Fuck me harder, make me yours&ldots;God, deeper than anyone&ldots;ever&ldots;please..” Sara trailed off into hard grunts in time to the thrusts he was making.

“Please what Sara&ldots;sweet sara&ldots;mine..no one else&ldots;tell me, Sara&ldots;.need&ldots;.to&ldots;hear.”

Sara looked up at him, the sweat rolling down the sides of his face, his eyes looking intently into hers as he moved.

Sara could feel her release coming. With every stroke of him, it came closer and closer until as she felt it start to crest she answered him, “I love you.”

His eyes widened and his movements became more frenetic and with a final thrust he emptied himself into her as her muscles contracted wildly around him.

His breath came in harsh gasps against her neck. She felt him attempt to move, but she wrapped her arms around him indicating voicelessly her wish for him to stay.

“Don’t leave,” she said.

“I won’t," he said as his body relaxed against her and in her.

* * * * *


wolf tales