Thanks go out to all my buds on #BonC . Where would I be without their corrupting influence. Also, a special thanks goes to Toadsuck for giving me the premise for the story. And last, but surely not least, thanks to TrexPhile, whose challenges are certainly...stimulating.


Just Let Me Do This


He was watching her again. She could feel his eyes on her as she walked over to the desk to retrieve a PADD. She turned slightly to the side to expose her profile to him, and smiled inwardly as she pictured the effect it was having on him. Sometimes it was just to much fun to tease him like this.

She gasped slightly, and placed her hand on her rounded stomach as the child within made its presence known yet again. Like she could forget the wee beast was in there. She rubbed gently, trying to soothe its current round of acrobatic showmanship.

She looked to Jean Luc on the couch, and caught his expression of desire just before he realized her scrutiny and turned his attention back to the book in his lap. This time she allowed an indulgent smile to grace her features as she thought, *I love you so much, Jean Luc.*

She thought back to when she began to realize just how much her 'condition' affected him. Ever since they had moved forward in their relationship, he had always been... well, shall we sat...eager. Not that she minded. No, not all. She didn't mind that aspect one little bit.

And when she told him that they were pregnant, he had been ecstatic, of course. He had even been more solicitous. Nothing one wouldn't expect from a man who loved the mother of his unborn child. It was all very normal.

It was nothing she could put her finger on at first. The sex had always been incredible. But as time passed, she got the distinct feeling his 'excitement' level had something to do with her pregnancy. Then, as the child within grew, and with it, Beverly's stomach, Jean Luc became almost a man possessed.

She couldn't have been happier with this side effect. During her first pregnancy, she remembered having to beg Jack to make love to her. Jean Luc's contrasting attitude was just what this pregnant woman needed.

Thoughts of her first pregnancy brought another question to mind. She walked over to the couch, and sat so that her feet were in her husbands lap. Jean Luc looked up at her, then placed his book on the arm of the couch. He reached down, and started to rub her feet. Beverly sighed as she let his hands ease the aches of all the extra weight that was placed on her feet during the day.

Feeling content, Beverly remembered her original reason for coming over here. "Jean Luc?"

"Hmmm," he looked up at her as he continued to massage her feet.

"I was just thinking..."

"About what?" he asked.

She smiled as she thought how to word her question, "When I was pregnant with Wes, and given your apparent, shall we say, fascination with my procreative state..."

Jean Luc's eyes widened. "Beverly..." he warned.

Not deterred by his tone, " did you ever manage to be around me?"

She thought a second, and her grin widened even more. "And now that I think about it, you were around an awful lot during that time."

He stopped rubbing her feet, and looked at her "Beverly, I never..."

She cut him off before he could finish, "No, of course not."

Seeing his face flush with embarrassment, Beverly decided to let him off the hook...for now. She removed her feet from his lap, and with more effort than it used to take, she slid over next to him, putting one arm around his neck, while resting the other on his leg.

She idly stroked the small, gray hairs at the base of his neck, waiting for him to acknowledge her attempt to make peace. He chuckled softly, and placed a large hand over her even larger belly.

She playfully slapped at his chest, "Alright Jean Luc Picard, what is so funny?"

"You're right, you know. Seeing you back then. I just couldn't help myself. Sometimes..." again he looked away from her.

She placed a finger under his chin, and turned him towards her, "Sometimes what, Jean Luc?"

He looked in her eyes, and saw only curiosity and love. He sighed, "Sometimes...I used to imagine that you were my wife, and it was my child you were carrying."

The words touched her deeply causing her to get that funny feeling in her stomach. She leaned over, and softly kissed him. After a moment, she trailed her lips along his cheek towards his ear where she whispered, "I am your wife, and this is definitely your baby in here."

He gasped as she slowly twirled her tongue around his ear, gently biting at the lobe. As her lips kissed and bit a trail around his neck, her hand crept up his thigh to the bulge rapidly appearing in his pants.

Suddenly, he grabbed her hand before it had a chance to enclose the object it was questing for.

"Beverly..." he croaked out.

Looking at him as innocently as she could, "Yes..."

"You know we're not supposed to..."

Bringing his hand up to her mouth she gently kissed one of his fingers, "I know what we're not supposed to do. But I had something else in mind..." And with that, she sucked one of his fingers into her mouth.

She kept her eyes on his as she demonstrated a little of what she had in mind. His eyelids drooped lower, and she knew he would agree to what she had in mind. Not that she had any doubt. She had never known a man to refuse that no matter what they said :)

He suddenly reached up with his other hand and in twined it in her long, red hair. He tugged her gently to him, and kissed her. She brought his tongue into her mouth, and softly sucked it in and out. Her hand slid to his pants, where she undid the fastener, and slipped her hand inside. Grasping his hardness, she stroked in sync with the motion she had created with his tongue. In...out...up...down.

She went to move downward, when her movement was impeded by her enlarged abdomen. *Ooops* she had not anticipated this little obstacle in her plan.

Looking up, she saw a smiling Jean Luc. "Problem?" he said entirely too smug with himself.

She stroked him harder, "Care to help a lady in distress sailor?"

*Good. That got his attention* she thought.

"I think maybe we could work something out," he answered as he leaned forward and captured her mouth in another kiss.

This time, his hand went to the buttons on her shirt. He worked the first few open, and slid his hand inside to cup a full breast. Beverly moaned softly as he caressed one than the other. He removed his hand, and slowly undid the rest of the buttons. Then he slid both hands under the fabric over her shoulders causing the shirt to come off.

He sat back a little just so he could see her. He ran a hand over her front, skimming lightly over her breast and along the curve of her stomach. He bent his head down, and traced kisses from her abdomen up until her reached the rosy peak of a breast. There he sucked it into his mouth, causing Beverly to place a hand on the back of his head trying to pull him closer to her.

*Wait a minute...I'm supposed to be the seducer not being seduced,* Beverly thought to herself.

Again Jean Luc trailed soft kisses up her chest, along her neck, to her mouth. He gently trailed his tongue along the ridges of her teeth until it met its mate with in. Before Beverly could lose herself once again in the magical things he was doing, she whispered in between kisses.

He pulled back slightly, "What?"

She put her hands on his shoulders, and pushed him gently indicating what she wanted, "I said...stand up."

He was perplexed by her request, "Why?"

She sighed, and reached down into his still open pants, grasped his hardness, and stroked a few times. His eyes closed, and a small moan escaped his mouth. Seeing that she had his undivided attention, she withdrew her hand. His eyes opened at the loss of her warm grasp.

"Beverly..." he said in a low voice.

She smiled sweetly, "Are you going to stand up now?"

"Do I have a choice?" he said as a small smile crept to his face.

"None whatsoever."

Doing as requested, he stood up. He reached down to give her a hand, which she took. But instead of letting him help her up, she maneuvered him in front of her seated position. Releasing his hand, she put her hands on both sides of his hips. She scooted forward on the couch, and leaned her head towards him. She nuzzled the front of him releasing a hot breath through the fabric of his pants. This caused him to bring his hands up, and tangle them through the hair on her head.

He said her name again, "Beverly..."

 She looked up at him, a mischievous smile on her face. A movement caused her to divert her attention back to her objective. He had twitched. She smiled again. It was just another sign that he was excited. She placed her thumbs in the side of his already un-done pants, and slowly brought them down to just over his hips. This caused his straining member to spring free of its confines.

She tilted her head to see him looking at her with eyes hooded with desire. She slowly licked her lips which caused a small sound to escape his throat. Her one hand encircled him, as the other hand slipped around and massaged his muscled rear. She reached out, and drew her tongue slowly around the head of his penis. He thrust forward involuntarily. She then proceeded to lick lazily up and down the length of his shaft.

Jean Luc gripped her hair tighter as he tried to keep some control.*Damn, but the woman could drive him mad*.

When she felt his grip tighten, she knew she had teased him enough. Opening her mouth, she slid down his length gently scraping with teeth while alternately lavishing with tongue. She moved slowly at first, getting him and herself accustomed to it. Her left hand followed her mouth on its back and forth journey.

With each trip up and down Beverly was able to take more and more of him. Until finally, she was able to swallow his entire length. Jean Luc meanwhile, was lost in the ecstasy of the moment. He didn't even realize he had begun to push her head back and forth, trying to control the rythym of what she was doing for him.

Beverly tasted the first bit of salty resin come from the tip of Jean Luc's penis. She hummed "Mmmmm" in the back of her throat, and doubled her efforts. Taking control of the pace back from him.

She felt him stiffen up as he stopped moving, and then she felt the first gush of a thick warmth flow down the back of her throat as she sucked long, and hard. The only sound she heard was a slight grunt as she hung on while he came.

As the he finished, she began to slowly bring her mouth up and down on his softening member. Until with a final twitch, he was through. She gently kissed the tip, flicking out her tongue to catch the last drop.

As his vision started to clear, he looked down, and lifted his wife up off the couch. He looked in her eyes, trying to convey with a look how much she meant to him. He kissed her softly at first, then deepened it as she moaned into his mouth. He reached down, caressing her breast, then moving over the swell of her stomach. He moved over the soft fabric of her pants placing his hand between her legs. He placed his whole hand at her juncture, and rubbed back and forth. He felt moisture start to seep through, and as he increased the pressure, he felt a literal flood.

He pulled back from the kiss, a look of horror on his face.

"Beverly!" he exclaimed as a puddle started to form on the carpet.

She looked down at it, then back up at him.

"Damn!" she said.

He looked at her waiting for an explanation. She saw what he was thinking, and chuckled lightly. "You don't think I...." she laughed some more.

She stopped laughing as a sharp pain came, "Damn...." she said again through gritted teeth.

Now, he was getting worried. "Beverly, what's wrong?"

She waited until the pain passed before she answered, "Nothing is wrong, Jean Luc. Well, unless you consider my water breaking, and going into labor wrong."

She smiled as his face turned a little paler, "What!" he yelled as he started to pull up his pants.

She grasped his shoulders, causing him to meet her gaze. "Everything is going to be okay, Jean Luc. This baby is going to come, and it will be fine."

She pulled him into her embrace., and he relaxed.

"I love you," he said into her soft hair.

She pulled back, "I love you, too. Now, help me get dressed, so we can go have this baby."

He smiled, "Yes, Mam."


  The End


Sorry all, but I just didn't feel like writing yet another 'Beverly has a baby' scene. Although I like them, that really wasn't what the story was about.


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