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The outbreak of a grotesque plaque in a prison traps Scully in the path of an epidemic as Mulder chases escaped felons who may be carrying the disease into society.

U.S. MARSHAL TAPIA: Well, then you'd be a real big help is you just tried to...stay out of the way.
MULDER: Well, we'd be happy to, soon as we can talk to someone who's in charge...
TAPIA: I'm in charge here.
MULDER: Apparently not, or you'd know why our involvement was requested.

SCULLY: Where are you going?
MULDER: To see if I can get in the way.

CIGARETTE SMOKING MAN: Then you don't know much, Agent Mulder.

CSM: The truth would have caused panic. Panic would have cost lives. We control the disease by controlling the information.

MULDER: You can't protect the public by lying.
CSM: It's done every day...

SCULLY: There'll be a time for the truth, Mulder, but this isn't it.

SKINNER: Agent Mulder. I'm saying this as a friend. Watch your back. This is just the beginning.

Many thanks to Tiny Dancer's X-Files Transcripts and The X-Files Scripts Archive

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