
Does Your Kitty Drink Water?


I understand kitties are much neater at drinking than dogs are. That is if they drink at all. Some experts say cats are not capable of feeling thirst. If you notice your kitty drinking you can see what a delicate process it can be. if you don't, Read about these important tips on encouraging cats to drink so they can be at their healthiest state.







October 20,2014

Top Ten Tips For Caring For Dogs


Having brought a dog home, it is your responsibility to keep it well-groomed, safe and healthy. However, as a pet care-giver, you need to realize that taking care of dogs is a whole new ball game.

Read on for these top ten tips:



  • Grooming matters: Bathing, trimming nails, removing dirt from ears with a damp cloth or a massage are all important aspects of grooming. a clean dog is a happy dog. Give your dog's coat a good brush and use mild organic medication from time to time to ensure there are no fleas in the fur coat. Fleas lead to skin irritation and fur loss, apart from other infections. It is best to take your dog for a proper examination to a vet who will prescribe the right medication.


  • Identification tag: Make sure you attach a customized identification tag with your name and contact details to ensure that your dog is returned easily if found loose and wandering.


  • Regular examinations: Your dog could have a heart condition, a toothache or arthritis, and the best way to track its health is by taking it to the vet for regular check-ups.


  • Never overfeed: Much like humans, pets also suffer from obesity, so to make sure you don't overfeed your dog. Follow guide lines from your vet and not always the label on the dog food bag.


  • Nutrition is important: Make sure your dog's food includes vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, since these are very important for your pet's health. also include fiber on a daily basis in your dog's diet. Keep fresh water available for your pet during the day.


  • Train your dog early: Start socializing and training your puppy from the time you bring it home so it behaves well. Reward good behavior.


  • Take your dog out on regular walks: Make a daily walk a part of your dog's routine because your dog needs the sunlight and a sense of the outside world.


  • Spaying and neutering: This is a necessary thing to not only eliminate the possibility of more pets, but also lowers cancer risks and tendencies of your dog to roam about and get lost.


  • Don't give human medication: Medicine for human beings could be fatal for your pet, so don't even think of giving your pet the medicines you use. Muscle relaxants, decongestants and other human drugs could cause kidney damage and cardiac arrest in pets. Aspirin can cause stomach bleeding and much more. Medication is prescribed according to weight, so please be safe and leave everything in this department up to your vet.


  • Patience: As trying as it might be at times patience is definitely a virtue! And a crate trained puppy is a true blessing!











October 23, 2014

Top Ten Tips about Caring for Cats.


It is often said that, 'you don't own the cat, the cat owns you!'


Being a first time cat owner can be a daunting task. Each cat has a unique personality and it takes time for them to get into the groove. You need to keep the following tips in mind on what to expect when you get a cat and ways to help your kitty adjust to its new home.


Cat personality


Each cat has its own distinctive personality. Some like to be picked up and some do not. Some cats are at peace lying on your lap, while some just do not want to be in one place! It is important to identify the personality of your cat, so that you can make adjustments to your lifestyle according to your new house member.


Cats like to scratch


It is no secret that cats like to scratch and it becomes hard when they find out ways to destroy your expensive leather couches. Declawing cats has been getting a lot of flak, so cat owners nowadays resort to just clipping the cat's nails and gluing on Soft Paws to reduce the damage to their belongings. It is important to get a good pair of nail clippers. It might also help to get a few types of scratching posts and place in strategic spots for your cat.


Time out


Cats in general do not have separation anxiety and can safely be left at home while you work. Make sure you give a little direct attention and extra kisses once you come back home though.


Invest in hygiene


Before you bring in your new pet, make sure your house has the necessary things for your cat. Unlike dogs, cats are not hard to potty train and might require only a few days. Make sure you have cat litter, litter pans and scoops. Cat litter is clay grain designed to clump making it easy to scoop out. It will be easy in the long run for both you and your cat.




Cats are carnivores in general. If you decide on feeding home cooked food to your cat make sure it gets all nutrients from the food. A good plan is to add fish to their diet.




I don't think it is a good idea if they are not use to being outside, but some cats may like to explore the outside world. Most cats cannot be leash trained, so if you decide to let your cats outside, make sure you take necessary precautions, like getting them vaccinated. It would also help to either spay/neuter them , if you do not want more kittens.


Calming aids and sprays


Cats may sometimes indulge in destructive behavior when they are stressed out, like moving into a new place, arrival of a new child and so on. Calming sprays are designed to help in these scenarios. You may also use a blend of essential oils to calm your cat.


Cat toys


Some cats like to play a lot. It is heartening to know that cats can get entertained by the simplest things, such as a ball of twine or a stuffed toy. Get creative! Reuse some of your household stuff to make play exciting and new.




Some long-haired cats such as Main Coon need to be brushed often to keep their lustrous mane free from tangles and matting. Short-haired cats are less maintenance. Cats do shed, so you will have to take efforts to keep your house fur-free. Cats will sometimes bring up fur balls, there are treats and a blend of food to help. If it becomes a problem talk to your vet. Lint rollers can easily remove cat hair from your clothing and furniture.




Lastly, make sure you take your cat to the vet regularly so that you and your cat can enjoy many wonderful years together.









October 2, 2014

How To Keep Your Puppy From Biting


Once bitten twice shy, is that how you have been feeling recently after bringing your puppy home? Don't worry, there are ways to stop your puppy from biting. One of the first ways to do so is by discouraging your puppy to bite. Don't play any games such as wrestling or chasing because they only encourage nipping or biting.


Why socialization matters


Socializing your puppy and stopping her from biting go together. Don't hit or slap the puppy in it's face as it could either become scared of you or think you are playing a game. Make sure your puppy has lots of opportunities to play with other puppies and with friendly and vaccinated dogs. It is important for your puppy's development and it will feel less motivated to bite or be rough with you. Lack of socialization is what makes your dog aggressive. The best time to socialize your puppy is before she reaches four months.


Other methods


  • Whatever way you take up to train your pet, stay consistent and teach the puppy not to bite with the same signals every time. If you don't let your puppy know that biting is not acceptable, the puppy will never know it is wrong to do so.


  • It is easy to curb the habit in the very early stages by distracting your puppy's attention to a chewing bone or a toy. The other way to curb the biting habit is to firmly say 'No' each time the puppy tries to bite your hand. Make sure to quickly replace your hand with a toy.


  • Another method is to communicate to your puppy that she is hurting you when she bites, so scream or say an 'ouch'. the idea is to surprise your dog with your scared/startled voice, and withdraw from her. The puppy will quickly learn that when she tries to bite, her playmate withdraws.


  • Provide your dog with new toys that are interesting so her attention is drawn to them rather than to gnaw at you or bite you.


  • Learning to build trust and respect in your puppy towards you is a very important aspect of your relationship. However, using methods that make you loose your cool will not help as your puppy will no longer respect or trust you.


  • Make sure that your puppy understands that it is the biting that you don't like and not her. So, it is important to take up some follow-up methods like food rewards or toys to encourage her when she doesn't bite.









September 11, 2014


Socializing a Kitten Early so it Grows into a Well-Adjusted Cat


Knowing the Mama cat will allow you the interaction with your new kitty at the right age. Small early steps at socializing your kitten will stand you in good stead once she grows up into an adult cat. Even the slightest change can adversely affect some pets and the same is true of your kitten, as well. When you get your kitten home, you would need to play an active role from as early as when she is two-seven weeks old.


Don't rush into it the moment the kitten arrives home; instead, lead her to a nice safe place you have made especially for her and introduce her to the litter box and bowls. Pet her a lot, and talk softly and calmly. Also, try  and play with her so she can form a bond from very early on. Next, your kitten needs to be socialized with children, if there are any at home. Teach your kids that the kitten is not a toy and needs to be treated with care.


Other people & Household buzz


Meanwhile, get as many people as you can to interact with and hold your kitten. Get her used to four or five people who can handle her in a gentle manner. However, don't forcibly cuddle the kitten or ask someone to do so, as she can turn aggressive. Another aspect of socializing is to get your kitty acclimatized to the sounds/noises of a regular household. The whir of the fan, the hum of the washing machine, your computer, music, or the television, among other sounds, should be familiar to your kitten so she takes it in stride later on and gets used to your home and lifestyle.


Also, train your cat to come to you when you call out her name; you could do this with a reward system. Such training will come in handy when you need to call out to her at a future time. Without such early steps, your cat can turn nervous later on.


Yet another method at socialization is to take your kitten on a short trip in your car as early as possible. Such a step will ensure that your cat is used to car journeys later on, so you and your pet can drive in peace when you need to do so.


Other cats


If there are other cats in the house before getting your new kitten home, ensure that all of them are healthy and have up to date vaccinations. Then, introduce the new entrant to other cats slowly, one at a time. Make sure your kitten is placed behind a gate or a carrier. If there is any hint that one of the pets is reacting aggressively, keep the pets separated, as getting used to a intruder could take time.









           September 10, 2014


Alternatives to Cat and Dog Boarding                            


If you are planning a vacation and don't have the heart to send your pet to a pet boarding place, there are alternatives. While some pets easily adjust to new surroundings and adapt themselves to new routines and schedules, some owners do not mind sending their pets to boarding facilities while others just can't.


Hire a Pet Sitter


The best alternative to animal boarding is to hire a pet sitter. This is a good idea because someone is watching your pet, taking care of them without having to change the environment your dog or cat is familiar with. When you hire a Paws-itively Affordable Pet Care, you can ensure that your pet's routine is not hampered. The regular diet and exercise of your pet can be continued.


When you are planning to go on a vacation and need to do a hundred things before you leave, dropping off the pet somewhere could be difficult. When you hire a pet sitter, that problem is resolved. The sitter comes to your home, not the other way around. You won't have to face the anxiety of having to pick up your cat or dog at the earliest possible moment once you are back. Also, the convenience is there for your home care needs. No problems about trash pick up, mail or paper deliveries, lights burning out, etc.


Advantages of hiring a pet sitter


Because a pet sitter is committed and professionally trained to handle any kind of situation, you don't have to spend anxious moments imagining what happens if your pet were to get in a difficult situation or fall ill. The pet sitter is trained to deal with such scenarios. You can also get the pet fully insured when you opt for a pet sitter's services.


Another advantage of hiring a pet sitter is that you don't have to request friends, neighbors, family to take care of your beloved dog. If you had to send your pet to a friend's place, you would have to feel constantly obliged. Also the friend may not be equipped to take care of your dog well, and worse, you can not express your displeasure. With a professional pet sitter, you are dealing with experts. Because professional pet sitters come to your home to take care of your family pets, the house feels lived-in, and you can be secure in the knowledge that someone is coming in, walking around, switching on the lights, and maybe even watering the plants!


Also, because it is a professional arrangement, you and your pet sitter can keep the lines of communication open - you can be informed how your pet is doing by daily updates. With a friend or family member, there is always the fear that you are disturbing them or offending them. As it is, you are under their obligation in more ways than one. With a professional pet sitter, you can personalize your pet's care for consistency, specify when you are calling and get feedback.










September 19, 2014


Reasons Why Your Cat Might Be Losing Weight


Have you noticed that your cat is looking thinner than ever before all of a sudden and are you wondering what the problem is? Losing weight suddenly is often a sign of a health problem. It is time you talk to a vet if you have noticed its appetite decreasing by the day. Such a condition could lead to a liver problem, which in time can be fatal. However, there are other conditions that could cause weight loss in your cat.




Causes for weight loss


Often, the reason for your cat losing weight is because it isn't eating well. The reason for this could be something as simple as a messy container or an untidy place in which you feed her. Clear out the left overs and give her food in a fresh dry container and feed her in a quiet place away from the litter box.


While that is a simple problem, there are other issues like stress or depression that can cause your cat to lose weight. Moving it's residence or the presence of other pet cats could also cause a certain amount of anxiety in your cat.


Sometimes, a simple problem like a toothache could lead your cat to lose weight because the pain prevents it from eating properly. This can be solved quite easily once you take it to a vet.


Diabetes or intestinal problems


Did you know that cats can suffer from diabetes as well? Yes, they do when not enough insulin is produced by the pancreas. As a result of which the cells don't take in adequate amounts of glucose. Also cats suffer from plenty of intestinal issues that could cause weight loss. Your vet might suggest de-worming medication or a fresh diet altogether. Food allergies or inflammatory bowel problems are common forms of gastrointestinal issues that your cat could be facing.


Often, the reason for weight loss is plain old age. while some cats put on weight with age, others tend to lose weight. The reasons could be plenty, including metabolic changes, kidney disease or diabetes. Hyperthyroidism could also be a factor that causes weight loss in older cats.


Signs of weight loss and treatment


Signs of weight loss include bad breath, loss of appetite, increased urination and thirst, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased or excessive activity and changes in behavior. Once you take your cat to a vet, a physical examination and several tests, including an ultrasound, bile acid test and blood tests are conducted to understand the problem and provide medication. Apart from treatment, the vet will encourage you to feed your cat high-quality food. Your cat could also be given stimulants to boost its appetite.


Read more about dealing with cats that are finicky eaters. animals.howstuffworks








September 6, 2014



Remember the Late Show with David Letterman where he finds a dog named Grabel which answers, 'Obama' when asked who the President is? Oh, how endearing Grabel was! Haven't you all often wondered what your dog would say if it could talk on its own? Read on for what your dog would say if only it could.


If Your Dog Could Talk, This is What It Would Say


Dogspeak: Oh, so you got your haircut, but hey, you forgot to cut the longish fur on my coat!

I feel like biting your head off right now!


Long fur can get matted and your dog would definitely draw your attention to grooming. Long-haired coats make dogs' skin more sensitive if left to develop mats. They could get irritable and worse, turn aggressive.


Dogspeak: I'm ripping up the carpet not because I'm angry, but because I am bored, stressed and lonely! Just give me some attention, please!


If your dog is destroying the upholstery or your floor coverings, it is not a sign of aggressive behavior, but more because your dog is feeling lonely or anxious.


Dogspeak: Grrr, you sit and stare at that thingy all day long...Can't you just stop staring at that and come play with me?


If you hear your dog whining, it is a sign that he wants you to pay him some attention.

However, sometimes, he may also be in pain, though, so first check him thoroughly for apparent signs.


Dogspeak: What you think is fun for me isn't necessarily what I enjoy. Stop making me play fetch all the time! Can we play something else?


Some dogs have really short attention spans and can get distracted quite easily, so you must vary the kind of games to challenge her. The same old fetch can be really boring for both you and your dog. There are now many games available to get your dog's intelligence stimulated, so consult an expert and bring in some variety. Mix the games up a little; play Frisbee for a while or blow different sized bubbles for some creative moments. Make a change for your quality time.


Dogspeak: You have gotten me the wrong collar...have you ever imagined how it itches?

Can't you see the rash? Just take it off for a while, dammit!


The right size and material of collar is very important for your dog to feel comfortable. If the collar is too tight, it could choke your precious doggy. If it is made of poor material, it could cause a rash or open sore. It is best to get in touch with a professional before you use a collar on your dear pet.


Okay, so maybe your dog would not be as rude and put it to you so bluntly, but we all get the picture!



