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Spooks... The Truth
By Corin McKenzie 21/06/00

The truth about where spooks comes from is as follows....Three years ago at the Youth Theatre Festival my self (Corin) Dan, Mark McKinley and Charles were, lets just say....... tired and we were talking about old children's programmes and we remembered a programme called "The Spooks of Bottle Bay" and we started singing the theme tune which has the lyrics "SPOOKS WHOOO!!!" in it. After that we just kept doing it when no-one was expecting and at first no-one knew what we were doing but they soon caught on and that really is that, nothing very exiting just normal Youth Theatre stuff. But I'm sure I will go on for many years to come and we 4 will become Youth Theatre legends (The four Spooks masters) and people will wonder if we really did exist or if some weirdo made us up and we will have many followers and eventually the world will be part of our Cult Spookiness and the wars will end and everyone will be at peace!!!