Zoi and Kam
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Stick Jug Tourny



All submissions to Zoi and Kam The Comic Strip (reffered to hereafter as Zoi and Kam) or the Author, being either emails, or comics, become the soul property of Zoi and Kam and the submitter forfeits all rights pertaining to their submission.  If the submission is a fan comic or other form of graphical art, it is up to the Author of Zoi and Kam discression on whether or not to post the comic/or edit the submitted comic. 
Note this is a non profit online comic and its attempt to poke fun at and parody are purely for enjoyment of myself and the reader.  Further more any reference made to real individual's or groups, and etc are purely by accident and/or are meant to parody real events and are not intended to harm.  If a party feels they have been harmed please and contact me and explain your reason and  the material that offends you will be replaced/or removed entirely. and I apoligize in advance. for any hurt feelings. All things not already copyrighted by other Companies and or corporations is copyrighted by Levi 2004  i.e the story and characters.  Dragon Warrior, Dragon Quest, and all related characters are owned and Copyrited by Enix of America, Enix of Japan, and Nintendo. This site is not in any way affiliated with or endorsed by Enix or Nintendo. Final Fantasy and all related characters are owned and copyrited by Square Soft.