Updated June 3, 2001
NEW Emma's Homepage
A new page by my UK buddy Emma, soon to be my new neighbor 8-)
Everyone, check out this site and pray for Belle's daughter Jasmine, a 4-year-old burn victim currently in Shriner's burn center in Boston.
MizzGrace's website
An inspiring website by my dear friend from Lousiana.
Inner Light
My Pennsylvania friend Nancy Horchens' site
KGP's Page
Poetry and links from a dear Malaysian friend now living in the US.
Pure Lilly
Pages by my best friend Karen from central California.
Kristen's homepage
By a real music nut from Chicago & lover of REO Speedwagon & Rich Mullins.
A cool site by a teacher friend who lives in Tennessee.
My manatee loving friend's page.
She's not Fred and Wilma's daughter, but her page is cool!

Adrian (Silver Angel)
This girl has a heart for Jesus Christ and for people everywhere.
If you know anyone contemplating taking his/her own life, have them read KaySea's words about her brother's suicide.
GraceG lives in the Phillipines and loves God with her whole heart.
Neat pages by this girl.
G.Raymond Eddy
A talented comics artist, creator of Galen the Saintly.
Check out Kookie's poems written under inspiration from God!
My Hawaiian friend Snap's homepage.
Miss Meekness' homepage
Meet a meek and gentle sis†er from Washington, DC

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