Mission Statement
Are you saved?
Prayer Requests
Bible verses
Search the Bible
Bible quiz
The End...
Our Daily Bread
Banner exchange

Praise and Glory belong to our Lord!

Welcome to my page of praise to the only One that deserves it: Jesus Christ! I have been really slacking off on my mission to serve Godon the Internet, and it isn't fair, to anyone. I have updated my site, I have to say noy all of it yet, but I'm on my way.

A few notices...

Dear friends, you can also acess my site at http://clik.to/gods_mercy and http://go.to/gods_mercy! These adreses are so much easier to remember! Please try them out!

I would like to thnak all of my regular visitors for having enough patience with me, since you know that I haven't changed a lot on the website like I promised to, but I really haven't had a chance, and I rarely go on the internet now because my time is quite limited since my computer isn't working properly. Please pray about that. Pray that God will find me a way to continue my ministry on the internet. Thank you so much, and I know with your prayers, you will see that this website will be changing and continueing to bless you all in new, exiting ways, thanks againg. I really do apoligize.

If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail them to me.

If you have a witnessing to share, please e-mail it to me and I will put it on my page to share with everyone els, so they may too see how wonderful, and loyal our Lord really is. You don't have to include you name. Remember, your little witnessing can strengthen a soul!

The Home button is a link from my other pages here, I put it there so that no one would get lost. How can you?

The Salvation button links to my page for all of you, who are tired of feeling lonely, tired, sad, depressed and sinnful. This prayer is the most important prayer that any Christian must pray. This prayer changed many people's lives, if you haven't prayed it before, or for any reason, you need to pray it again, please, by all means, come and pray! On this site also, I posted up a little advice, from me to you. Just remember, Jesus is standing by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
I have just orgonized my Prayer Request page. Please visit, and fill out the form. I believe that no one can have a life without problems, and God helps with them. Please don't be shy!
The Testimonies button indicates, that on that page, there are testimonies, mine, and yours. If you would like to post on up, please e-mail it to me. Let me, and the rest of my visitors, know how God touched your heart.
Bible Verses is a very special page, on it you have a chance to get personal with the Bible, you get a chance to find help on specific topics that really interest you. If you have found a great topic, and want me to post it up, please e-mail it to me , and I will surely do that.
Finally, Search the Bible has arrived! I found this wonderful site though God's navigation. Here you can actually search the Bible. This new tool is very useful!
I just recently posted up the Bible Quiz page. Here you can test you knowledge of the Bible, and learn new things. I will be adding more quizes soon. E-mail me what you thought of it.
Please don't be shocked at that The End... title, that page is really very helpful to everyone, because, whether we admit it or not, we are all curious about "the end of the world", on this page you will find exacly what Jesus said about it. Let's not set dates, because only the Father knows.
Our Daily Bread, it's such a wonderful booklet, and I bring to you great enteries, right over the internet. Each entery in ment for a day, but once you start reading one, you will surely enjoy it so much, you will want to read another one, and another one! These are so thoughtful and creative...
The Awards button is linked to the awards that I recieved. As well as awards that you can be recieving for your site! That's right, I'm now offering my own awards. Come and enjoy!
I'm a member of a lot of Rings, come see them, and if you like them, you can join! Also, I'm thinking if creating my own Webring.
Banner Exchange is very popular these days, and I, of course, am part of them. And you can be part of them as well. Also, I plan to make my very own banner exchange program soon. Increase popularity!
When you click on the Polls button, you can be a part of my polls, this is another way that I can get to know my visitors. Please be part of them, or just see the results!
The Links button is where I personally pick out and post up great links. All of these links are my favourite places to go on the web, and I hope you too, can enjoy them. If you would like to advertise your personal page, please e-mail me the address, and a short description of it, I will review it, and rate it, and put it on my page. The sites that will be linked to my page should be of Christian origine.
Guestbook is of course a link to my guestbook. Here you can can contact me, with any comments, throught the form (unfortunatly the old-fashioned guestbook broke, and most people prefer the form, so I won't replace it!) Please leave me a message, I love getting them!
Whether you want to search for something Christian, or anything on the web, you can do both things when you click on Searches! It's that easy!
Coming up soon,

The Greatest Story Ever Told

The uncoding of the Parables

And More

God bless you and may you come back soon.

Please do me a favour, if you like this site, tell a friend!
Your Friend:

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A specieal thanks to

Free Christian Images

for some of their wonderful images that I used here.

There are people who heard of God on my page!