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bunny rabbit  Anais's Copyrights and Disclaimer Info  bunny rabbit

pink rose  Copyright Disclaimer and Information  pink rose

     The material on this site was reproduced for enjoyment, review and informational purposes only, and not for any commercial gain. Use of this material is not intended as a copyright infringement on any of the artist's or any other entity's copyrighted material.
     If you hold copyright to any material contained on this site and wish its removal, please contact and provide legal proof of your right to demand removal. IF verified, material will be removed immediately. Most of the graphics that you will find on my web pages were acquired from different places on the 'net with permission granted on the web sites for use in personal home pages. (Please be sure to read the instructions at each of the websites before copying and displaying any of the graphics as some do require a link back to their website.) Credit will be given to any known artist for the graphics on my web pages as they become known to me. If you are the creator and/or the copyright owner of a specific graphic found here on my web pages and do not see credit given for it either on the page or in the HTML source code, please contact me at the above given e-mail address and I will be more than happy to give credit where credit is due for the graphic in question.
     The photographs of my family and me are not to be copied and/or displayed without my express permission.
     Please do
  NOT  link to any of the graphics on my web pages!!!!!! If you need an explanation for this, please go to the following places and read what they have to say about linking images from another person's web site.

animated jewel courtesy of Moyra's Web Jewels   Why You Shouldn't Load Graphics Directly from Another Person's Server
--courtesy of Mary Broussard at The Widow's Web.
animated jewel courtesy of Moyra's Web Jewels   The Eleventh Commandment
--courtesy of Moyra's Web Jewels.
animated jewel courtesy of Moyra's Web Jewels   Web Issues
--courtesy of Benedict O'Mahoney's The Copyright Website.
animated jewel courtesy of Moyra's Web Jewels   Helpful Info about Do's & Dont's and Copyrights
-courtesy of Kitty's PageWorks.
animated jewel courtesy of Moyra's Web Jewels   10 Big Myths About Copyrights
--explained by Brad Templeton.
animated jewel courtesy of Moyra's Web Jewels   Netiquette
--courtesy of Mary Broussard at The Widow's Web.

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Click on one of the bunnies below to continue your journey!

a bunny rabbit Take Me Back to Anais's Cozy Corner
a bunny rabbit Take Me to Anais's Photo Album
a bunny rabbit Take Me to Anais's Credits Page

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Click on the bunny e-mail box below to e-mail Anais!

E-mail Anais! Bunny e-mailbox created by Art Holden

Above e-mail graphic courtesy of
Animated Gif Artists Guild (AGAG)
and created by Art Holden.

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Web page design by Cinnaminn.

GetPaid4 banner - user ID name: anais
User ID name:  anais