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Hi Hello and Welcome I'm glad you decided to come in and explore my little piece of the web. I filled my cyber home with lots of different topics. ( Music, poetry, humor, postcards, My Friends on the web, and the list goes on ) I still haven't completed most ( ALL ) of these pages, and I also have so many others still on the back burner!( what can I say, I get sidetracked easily ). The pages I plan to add sometime in the next century( maybe sooner ) HA! are gonna be even BETTER then what I have now. In my opinion at least. But before I get to that, let me just give ya the low down on what is actually behind the castle doors of this cyber cloud. Before I go on an on an on...Let me just say ..If At any given time , you feel dizzy, cofused, nausous, lost, dazed, wanting to just shut me up by gagging me.....OR JUST PLAIN BORED !! You can pass by this section of me being completely bored, actually I am only writing this because... I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO TONIGHT!! =-) so just scroll down to the jump box and just guide yourself thru my home. Or if your as bored as I am ( Which you must be cause your still reading this crap! LOL ) follow me thru a brief ( Yeah right, I don't know the meaning of brief..hahah ) description of what you'll be encountering here. Now on with the show charlie! |
~ P O E T R Y ~ On these pages you will find some poetry. ( Well DUH? What did you expect here HUH? ) Depending on my mood ( I have many ) the poetry you'll find will either inspire you bring ya to tears or drive you over the edge. In all fairness I must warn you that some of the poetry I have here is rather depressing,( This is not in any way a reflection of me. Well maybe just 99.9% of the time..j/k ) I also have alot of inspirational poetry ( which I can use right now, cause i am starting to get bored with all this talking....HA! ) Ya know what...scratch everything I just said. Go check it out for yourself, I'm sure there'll be something there you'll love! That's if, you like poetry? If not then why the hell are you still reading this section???? Just scroll..thats what god made a mouse for! Scroll baby, scroll. |
~ P O S T C A R D S ~ Umm, does anyone have questions about this? Naw, I didn't think so. Self explainatory. |
~ H U M O R ~ OK, this section is KewL. I have tons of links to some pretty funny places I have come across OR have been given. I have to warn you. This sight is intended FOR ADULTS ONLY!!! Let me rephrase that FOR ADULTS WITH A SENSE OF HUMOR ONLY!! *some sites are rather strange, to put it mildly. NOT everyone will find everything here funny, but then again...different strokes for different folks, right?! Anyway, Check it out. |
~ R h o d e I s l a n d ~ My State, as if you care. |
~ M U S I C ~ I saved the best for last! Music for me is how I get thru everyday. I love music, it feeds my soul. So, what good would my page be without music? I still haven't completed this page. It is probably gonna take me till forever!!! I have so many ideas for this page, and thats probably why its taking forever, I can't agree with myself on how it should look what goes where and who is better then who, I need perfection people!! I will not settle. Not when it comes to music. This page is gonna ROCK! ( soon.. I hope ) Its not just any music... Its Rock n Roll baby. Classic rock is where its at!! Don't let no one tell ya different. Hey, I see some of ya turning up your noses!? Well...what can I say? ITS MY PAGE!!! I am the web mistress here.. I make the rulz! Awe Ok, I'm not that cold hearted..If your not a fan of Rock, I added some links for y'all to use. So go check them out!! You'll be able to find whatever it is that gets your groove on!! |
Well for now thats all. I will be adding more after I finish what I already started. I'll give ya a brief description ( some other time.). I'm done here for now. So keep checking back. (as if, I didn't bore ya enuff already..hehehe) Ciao and enjoy your time spent here. |
![]() Angel_Eyz Cyber Cloud |