
Putting a background on your e-mail or web page can really add some "spunk" to it. There are two types of backgrounds you can have. They are a plain-color background and an image background.

To make a plain-color background where your image is one solid color, copy the following code:

<<>body bgcolor="color"<>>

Just replace "color" with the name of the color you would like on your background.

Note: You should have already learned in the tags section of my page that your body tag goes right after your head tag and your /body tag goes just before your html tag. If you forget to close out your tags, this will not work! Have no idea what i'm talking about? go here.

To make an image background where you make one image cover your background (i.e. this page) copy the following code:

<<>body background="url of bg"<>>

Just replace the "url of bg" with the address (url) of the image you want on your background. To get the url of an image, click on the image and then hit "go to" and "show last" on your keyboard. A good place to find a background is here.

Here is an example of a plain color background and the code I used to make it:

<<>body bgcolor="slateblue"<>>

<<>body background="https://members.tripod.com/~mintcar/tiss2.gif"<>>

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