Just Missed the Train... by John Rohner:

Part Six

   Puppy stared at the familiar crack in 
the ceiling above his bed.  It had seemed 
like it had been for hours now.  A Bob 
Dylan song was on the radio.  Even though 
it was a little static filled, the bars of 
the song seemed to take a hold of him and 
his predicament.  "I want you, darling I 
want you, So bad."  He had never taken the 
time to think about love or his involvement 
in it.  Now, he found himself with an uneasy 
feeling in his stomach.  It was a warm, 
tangled knot.  He always thought that was 
just an expression.  No way did he think that 
this powerful mental emotion could have 
physical implications as well!  He felt it.  
It hurt.  It was yearning.

  He closed his eyes and saw her face.  He saw 
her glorious smile.  With a sigh, he sat up in
bed.  He glanced over to the coffeetable beside
his bed.  It was the only piece of furniture in 
this bleak white room.  Complete with a record 
player and a chair.  In front of the record 
player was the yellow paper christened with her 
name.  As he stood, he thought to himself, and 
realized just how many of the songs on the 
radio were love songs.  He shut it off and went 
into the kitchen.

He walked into his empty kitchen, and opened his 
empty refrigerator.  He felt empty.  He looked 
in at the bare shelves dimly lit by the light 
from the front room.  He couldn't eat.  Another 
clever wording coming true.  He couldn't think, 
he couldn't eat.

He reached in and grabbed one of the three solo 
bottles of beer.  He closed the door and walked 
back into the main room.  He opened his beer, 
took a sip, and stared at the note.  That's when 
his mind started working overtime.


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