"No! No! It can't be........" she heard a voice almost cry. "Um..Hello?" Sera meekly asked. "So, this is the day, then." the man sighed. "What are you...talking about?" Sera queried. "The blossoming of Seraph! God help us all!" "How do you know my name. My REAL name?! Nobody..." "I didn't understand the dreams, the prophecies handed down! I prayed that they would not foretell!" the priest ranted. Then in a calmer voice, almost apologetic, he spoke: "but alas, Summertime." "Summertime? Are you drunk? I don't know what kind of fuckin' psycho you are, but..I'm outta here!" "Wait! You must listen!" he gasped "I have been placed to wait twenty years to start the Summertime harvest." "Are you on drugs? You've been waiting twenty years for me! How do you know me? Answer me!" "Listen, I was the priest present at your birth. I saw your mother die in childbirth. Her last word was Seraph. Your father named you this. You came to be known as Sera, it was more common, and we were afraid someone would hunt you for their own purposes. Your father was haunted by the same dreams, before his untimely death, but he knew the price." "This is bullshit!" Sera shouted, "You don't know me! You're twisted. Who would hunt me?! What price?!" You better start talking!" "No, wait! I too have had these dreams. I know now that none of this is coincidence. After your parents passed and you moved here, I, haunted by prophesies, quit my parish and moved here, to clear my head. Now, I see I was to wait in this spot to start the Harvest. The dreams, the prophecies today prove true!" "What Prophesies!!!" "In the Summertime of your twentieth year, you will blossom into your true design. It is then that you, Seraph will begin the quest." "Quest?" she asked, slightly irritated. "The quest for what's missing in your life .......life itself." "Well no shit, Sherlock! Everyone's on that quest. What's this mumbo jumbo about my true design?" "You quest is for life. For you my dear, are the invitation of death. Where you go death follows and touches those you contact." "You're freaking me out dude. Are you saying I'm responsible for people's deaths?" Shit, that almost makes sense she thought to herself. "In a way" the man answered "but it is their time. Now you blossom, and begin your quest. It will be painful and arduous." "That'll be a change of pace!" Sera ironically laughed "You do not yet understand the seriousness of the journey. You cannot see what's at the end. All your choices will determine the end result." "The end result? What? Tell me more!" Sera begged. "I'm sorry but this is all I am to tell. After twenty years I waited, now may All have mercy on the earth!" "Wait!...I..."sera begged. But was interrupted by a BANG! and the flow of blood under her feet. She leaned her head forward on the wooden wall and thought out loud: "Wherever I go, I bring the ending....... ....Isn't that nice. ***END OF PART FOUR***