SERAPHIM by John Rohner:

Part Five

Sera awoke to the telephone and a hangover.  
She stretched her arm from under her warm 
blanket out into the cool morning air.  
"Hello" she answered.  It was the lady from 
the agency, wondering did she forget her 
"eleven-thirty".  Some chubby, married man 
who worked uptown and had a penchant for 
nooners before he would go home at nights 
and ignore his wife.  Good pay though; 
she'd be there.  As she hopped out of bed, 
pulling her T-shirt over her head, she 
thought.  What a night!  She glanced at 
the empty bottle of rum and realized she 
had gone over all the events a second time 
in her head, and still didn't come up with 
a conclusion.  How could she?  It was all 
too confusing.  Okay get a grip she thought 
to herself.  The way I look at it I'm 
either losing my sanity, or I'm the matron 
of honor at death's celebration.  Problem is, 
I feel fine about it, and horny.

   With that thought, she hopped in the 
shower to begin a new day.

   She arrived at the bar about fifteen 
minutes late and saw the man sitting in the 
corner.  She wanted to meet at Damon's.  
It was a familiar place, and she was curious 
to see the church.  Sure enough, it was 
covered in yellow streamers that said 
'police line-do not cross'.  "This place is 
great, Kiki!"  The man exclaimed.  She felt 
minor comfort that she could still be Kiki, 
and not the mighty Seraph.  "They got great 
chicken, and the bartender he's always 
telling jokes! Did you hear the one about 
the guy....."

   Right then a strange man sat down next to 
Sera.  She hadn't heard or seen him coming.  
He made himself at home and stared right into 
Sera's eyes.  He was a rather odd looking man, 
very skinny, yet very strong.  He looked a 
man of twenty, yet seemed a man of sixty.  
His eyes were a color she had never seen, and 
his hair was a brown mass of dreadlocks and 
beads.  He interrupted the man as he spoke.

   "Stop me if you've heard THIS one."  His 
voice was like a chorus.  "God and the Devil 
were playing chess..."He started.  "Hey buddy, 
what the fuck do you think you're doing?!  I'm 
having lunch with that lady!" The man protested.  
The stranger stopped what he was saying and 
glanced over at the man.  Suddenly, the man 
started choking and turning blue!  "Let us go 
now, I know a place we can talk." the stranger 
casually spoke to Sera.  She found herself 
mesmerized by his calmness, and stood up and 
proceeded to exit with this odd gentleman.  
Behind them the man collapsed, and people 
started making noise.

   Together the two walked along the 
cobblestone sidewalk until they came to a small 
bar, with a small blue sign that read 
"Fortissimo".  They entered the building and 
walked directly to a small table in the corner 
that felt as if it was reserved for just they 
two.  As they sat, the stranger started speaking.

   "Actually, It's more like Alimony.." he said.  
"What?" Sera asked.  "Not so much chess as maybe 
alimony." He continued.  "You see, when God and 
the Devil had their differences, they split up.  
At one time, they both lived on earth, in Eden.  
When their relationship reached it's Nexus, 
they realized they must go their own ways.  God 
went to heaven, and the Devil went to hell.  The 
only problem was earth, and a few other matters.  
Being as strong willed as they are, they split 
earth fifty-fifty.  Each vying for a controlling 
interest all the time.  Many things were decided 
upon on that fated day.  But there was one thing 
even they couldn't decide on.  That was the Grey 
angel.  The Grey angel was the only angel who was 
not black or white.  She was known as friend and 
foe.  You see, the Grey angel was the angel of 
death.  Now in the cosmic commerce system, death 
equals souls.  Both needed souls.  They decided 
at the zero hour on a small wager to determine 
this unfixable problem.  The angel was given a 
due date, at which time the world would be what 
it would become, depending on what the two sides 
achieved since.  The child would live on earth 
as a typical human for twenty years, allowing her 
to be corrupted by all parties.  Then in the 
Summertime, she would rise and live her destiny 
to the fullest.  No one man, or power, can 
determine the results."

   "Bartender! Give me a shot of Morgan with a 
beer back!" She shouted still transfixed in his 
eyes.  She saw the story in his eyes.  "Wow! So 
now what?" she asked him.

   "That is entirely up to you." He replied.  
"That's not what I want to hear!" she cried.  
"It is not my place to disclose any more at this 
time, we have another meeting planned in the 
future.  Have you talked with Harbinger?"  He 
asked.  "Harbinger? No! I haven't talked to no 
one but the priest and you.  Well, what's your 

   "Harbinger is either a step ahead of you, 
or a step behind.  Rest assured your meeting is 
destined.  My name is Enigma." The man commented.  
"Here's your drink, miss."  She turned and took the 
glass and beer from the bartender and placed a ten 
on the tray.  She turned her head back and saw the 
chair was empty.  "Enigma," she thought, "Go figure!" 
and swallowed the glass of rum.

Go on to part Six

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