In order to join, your web site must be related to aromatherapy, essential oils, or promotion of essential oils, correspondence training, educational workshops, things such as that. It ideally should be a main page, but if it's a web ring page I need you to email me directly so I can review your main homepage that links to your web ring page because the main site must meet guidelines of relating to aromatherapy, aromatic education, or essential oils. NOTE: You must submit the exact site where you will be placing the web ring html code! And you must email me the URL to your main page so I may review your complete site! Absolutely no trash sites will be allowed into the ring. Your site will be reviewed for content. No pornographic or sex sites will be allowed. This web ring must have participating sites with a PG rating content. All you have to do is submit your information in the forms provided below. Once you receive a confirmation email regarding your submission, you must go to the web site listed to retrieve the html code for the ring. I'm now offering voluntary use of the web ring logo. As I've had complaints about how big the logo is, or the colors don't match a persons site, or they don't want extra graphics to take too long to load the site, etc. You may feel free to resize the logo smaller if you like, if you know how to do this.
I know everyone is busy, but submitting your site to the queue is a commitment, and sites are now only going to remain in the queue for 14 days, after which time if you have not added the html code to your web page you have submitted, the site will be removed from the ring's queue and you'll have to resubmit. I will notify anyone by way of email of a removal for whatever reason. Note also any sites with scripting errors, sites who use frames and place the web ring code on it and folks visit your site and click on the web ring but the link to the next site remains within your frames is not acceptable to this web ring. Your site will be removed if it contains such errors as it is considered a break in the web ring, each person clicking on links in the web ring must be able to fully go to the next site leaving any sites with frames, the URL must change in the web browser! So please follow through with the submission process if you'll have the time to go add the code to your site in a timely manner.
I do not want a bunch of Young Living sites in this web ring. I have strong opinions regarding the Young Living way of doing business by way of MLM (Multi-Level Marketing). Please look for other web rings to submit your site to. Organizations other than that are welcomed for review.
While I'm relatively new still to html coding, I am trying to work through this all, the site where you retrieve the code should have a type of glossary to help you understand how to edit in your site information. If you have questions I'll try my best to help. If you by any chance know more than I do, I will always welcome some help.
I'd like to give credit where credit is due to two people who have a hand in the design and creation of the web ring logo. Rob Stitt created the lavender sprig that is seen on this logo and Susan Apito brought it all together in a nice attractive color. I'd like to thank these two people for their contribution to the Aromatic Life Web Ring! Thank You!
Please be certain that you enter in the correct URL of your web site. If you make a mistake in entering this information it will be impossible for me to go view your site for approval. Any mistakes in entering the URL will cause me to have to delete your entry from the queue and I'll be emailing you about the problem. Be sure all information provided is valid. Incorrect information is grounds for dismissal from the web ring. If my email to you bounces and returns you will be removed from the web ring. It's imperative to have email contact with each web site owner as needed on web ring issues!
I am moving the webring to the name is AromaticLife and here is the link, Click This and Search for AromaticLife and join
This RingSurf AromaticLife Net Ring
owned by Aromatic Life Web Ring.
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Thank you for your submission! Should you have any questions please email me at the address below.
United States