Surf Net (3 Correspondence)

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Got I rote I don't?
Let me know!
You'll get credit on my page

Who's Who

So, you're loooking to do a few more things with the low level
Spheres. Or, you're simply oozing power and want to figure out
what you can do with a five in every Sphere. Well, we can help
you with both. But first, the people who brought you these
rotes, and why they're named like they are...

the Dustmonger: A New York City Hollow One who uses a lot of
quotations in his magick. His philosophy is, "There's only a
single, thin line between mastery of the word and mastery of
the world."

Ashen Rose: Another New Yorker, also a Hollower. Ashen (me!) is
more concerned with freaking people out than her more
philosophically minded boyfriend Dust.

Aurora Thireau: A Christian Dreamspeaker, of all things. She
combines shamanic powers with the teachings of the Celestial
Chorus, to very interesting effectiveness.

Saturday Morning Live: A NYC based group of child Marauders who
think they're in a children's cartoon. This is far more dangerous
than you might immediately think...

The Rotes

This would be the part you've been waiting for, the new stuff.
The rotes are in the following format:

Rote Names (Spheres needed for rote; optional Spheres)

A description of who created the rote, and why.

[The game terms for the rote]

NOTE: Any rote using the Mind Sphere that targets another can
be resisted with a Willpower roll. Also, remember that if
someone is forced to flee for a certain number of rounds, they
must spend AT LEAST that many rounds returning.

Ashes to Ashes (3 Forces, 2 Mind, 2 Prime)

The Dustmonger gleaned this rote from that great collection of
quotes, the Christian bible. In keeping with his personal tastes,
this rote merely affects the mind, not the body, of the target,
causing them to flee.

[The target is simultaneously surrounded by flames that lick
around his body without dealing damage and struck with a mental
assault of panic. For every success scored for this rote, the
victim must flee in absolute terror for one round.]

Barnausea (3 Mind or 4 Life)

This is just plain sadistic. Those little brats in Saturday
Morning Live know just what to do with what they've got. I've seen
grown men be reduced to quivering puddles of fear using this
rote. Not pretty.

[By singing the songs from any children's show or movie, the mage
causes any adults in the area to feel violently ill. Vampires
with humanity under 5 may, at the Storyteller's discretion, get
a modifier to their resistance roll, as thay are used to such
horrible violations of the natural order.]

Bite the Hand That Feeds You (5 Prime, 3 Spirit)

This rote allows access to a Node at a faster rate than normal.
It's another one of mine, and I created the theory behind it back
in the days when I had to raid others' nodes for Juice. It shorts
out the Node for a while, too, so others can't draw from it to
punish you.

[For each success on the effect roll, the mage gains four
Quintessence. However, after this rote is cast, the Node becomes
inoperable for a number of days equal to the amount of Quintessence

Drop the Anvil (4 matter, 3 Correspondence, 2 Prime; 4 life)

What fun! This one, naturally, comes to us courtesy of the
Saturday Morning Live crew. A heavy object such as a safe, piano,
or (surprise!) anvil drops from a great height and crushes

[The unfortunate pancake takes damage equal to the number of
successes times 3. If you throw 4 Life into the mix, the target
gets up and walks off while folding like an accordion. Do
cartoons promote violence? Cast your vote for YES!]

Dust to Dust (3 Matter, 3 Entropy, 2 Mind, 2 Prime)

Another one from Dustmonger the most prolific rote creator in our
group. This rote was developed by him to disable an opponent as well 
as send him packing. I like it.

[The mage can target an object and cause it to soften, often
rendering it useless. The person holding the object (if there isn't
someone holding it, you oughta be using a rote that only involves
Matter and Entropy...) will feel a powerful urge to flees. This rote
can affect only parts of objects, like knife blades and gun barrels.
Have fun.)

Erasure (4 Life, 3 Entropy, 3 Prime)

The occasional cartoon gag of erasing a character takes on a
deadly twist, thanks to Saturday Morning Live.

[A pencil eraser becomes a weapon capable of dealing aggravated
damage. The effect lasts for one turn per success, and a
successful hit deals 2 dice of damage.]

Give Unto Caesar What is Due: Seizures! (3 Mind, 3 Life, 2 Entropy,
2 Prime)

Yet another rote by Dustmonger. This one he created to break the
will of the often-times arrogant MiBs he keeps running into. Any
attempt by the victim to use Willpower before the effect wears off
results in a mental short-circuit that leaves the victim spasming!

[If the target spends Willpower before the effect wears off, he
collapses, wracked with spasms that rip through every muscle group
in his body for a full round. The Willpower he would have spent is
lost to no effect. The first time the spasms occur, the body
reflexively fights them, dealing one level of damage per success.
After that, the only side effects are the loss of Willpower and the

Retributive Strike (4 Forces, 3 Life, 1 Time)

Aurora can be quite dangerous, even when she's unarmed. I prefer
to call this rote Payback myself, but her belief system insists
that God gives her the strength to strike this hard. I think it's
just adrenaline fueled by indignation.

[The caster must first be struck for damage. Then, using Forces
and Life, she can redirect the force of the blow, adding it to her
regular fighting prowess. At the end of the round, the caster gets
an extra attack, which must be non-ranged. Punches, kicks, and
swords are all acceptable. The damage pool for this blow is
increased by the number of successes on her opponent's damage roll

Tattoo Terror (3 Matter, 3 Life; 2 Mind)

I designed this rote to get me out of capture situations. It
came to me once when a cop caught me picking some guy's
pocket. I didn't get the wallet, but I got a kick out of the look
on the cop's face.

[This causes a tattoo to come to "life" and move around the mage's
skin of it's own volition. While useful for those who have become
bored with the tattoos in their current location, the addition of
Mind causes any who view it to be seized with disgust and horror.]

Through a Mirror, Darkly (3 Mind, 2 Forces; 3 Forces, 3 Spirit)

This is just nasty. Aurora, inspired by Dust's success with the
Sphere of Mind, derived a bit of pleasure by taunting a poor
Sidhe changeling with this. There's a fine line between your ideal
self and the thing lurking inside that you never want to let out.
This rote blurs the distinction.

[For the duration, any reflective surface that the target looks
into shows him as a negative stereotype of his Nature, Demeanor,
or Essence. For example, a Primordial mage might see himself as
a rampaging ape, while an Architect Garou may have arachnoid
features or be covered in webbing. The image is pulled out of the
target's subconscious. With 3 Forces, the reflection is visible
to all. With 3 Spirit, it actually shows a warped version of the
target's Avatar.]

Vengeful God (5 Forces, 2 Prime; 5 Prime)

One thing you gotta say for Aurora: She might not know what she
believes half the time, but when she figures it out, she's
dangerous. Raw energy, directed at whatever poor sap she's
ticked at, cascading from the heavens... Ouch!

[The energy can be lightning, fire, or (if 5 prime is used) raw
Quintessence. In any case, this rote deals damage to the tune of
four levels per success.]

Viva Las Vegas (3 Mind, 2 Entropy)

An increase of luck and a decrease in the dealer's IQ. How good
does it get? You have me to thank for this one, too.

[This functions as the rote Games of Chance, with one
difference. The effects are doubled unless the dealer of the game
can score more successes on a Wits + Gaming roll than were 
scored on the effect roll.]