
A funky Beruche, by Beruche

Tiled Backgrounds
Please note: a great deal of these should not be used as the background alone. If you place a table on it like I've done here, that's fine, otherwise you'll probably have difficulty reading any text you put on it.

Please give me credit if you use these on your site, and do not directly link.

Tile 1

Tile 2
This was created from a Sailormars picture, believe it or not. The Stars image with all the characters...

Tile 3

Tile 4

Tile 5

Tile 6
Yes, that is Sailorsaturn :D

this links to a much larger image

Tile 7

Tile 8

Tile 9

Tile 10

Tile 11

Tile 12

Tile 13
Note: The image is set to open on the browser half the size, even though you've opened the whole thing; 46 KB.

Tile 14

Cute widdle SD Beruche, drawn by Beruche

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