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nice site with lots of resources. thanks.

I'm a writer (disabled) working on a book on women and disabilities and some of the material on your site may prove helpful.

mona hughes

I found your web site through your posting on alt.tv.pol-incorrect news group. I am a Bill Maher fan. I am very interested in your areas of specialty because I am disabled and have published a lot of information about me on my illness on my web site. If and when you visit it please let me know if you have any information that will help me. Thank you.

Steven Palmer

Another AADI project dedicated to getting disability groups and individuals together. Geocities Disability Community Project. (click Icon)

Douglas Zachary

disability research page, looks good, impressed. Later dave,,,,,,

David Lubofsky

entry...I will visit the rest later.
You are now on a bookmark, I can return frequently

Rhonda Black

Hi... I looked at your disability Research page... (and some of the others! *lol*) You have done a wonderful job!!! Thank you for the information!!!!

Lynda Paswaters

Came across your site by accident. I have a friend that was exposed to chemicals at work 3 years ago. She is experiencing many physical problems as a result. I will bookmark your site. She will get some benefit here. Thanks


Happy Birthday! I found your page on the World Birthday Web. I hope your move went well. Good luck in your new position.


I only went to the main page but have bookmarked it for 'ron. I like good home web pages and yours is good, easy to navigate, interesting subject matters, well articulated, you seem to be a very nice lady, I hope your friends value you.


I visited the pages on resources and research. I'm just beginning to learn to use this technology. I need to do so because I am currently a PhD student working on my dissertation. Your pagesseem pretty clear. I'm going to join SDS. Support as a woman with disabilities entering academia would be helpful, any resources in SF Bay Area?

Sandy O'Neill

Hi! Just surfed in from Australia. Great to see that there are plenty of resources available- we are rather cut off over here in regards to MCS research. I suffer this disability, but life has to go on. Keep up the good work. Would be great to hear from others.

Anne L

just started scanning, looking for research info. on travel optys/ lack there-of, for persons with disabilities

Lita Tomas

I read your page on MCS and found it very well put together. I myself suffer from this condition and have trouble explaining it to people. I will have to refer this site to these people it is very informative.

Stephen Jessome

I visited Invisible Disabilities, and stumbled upon the MCS part. I have other very clearly defined "invisible" ones, but I never knew that chemical sensitivity was also considered a disability, though I suffer from it as well. Perfumes make me hack and give headaches. Nail polish remover in a house or recently used on someone kills my sinuses and gives me the Worst headache. Wow, I thought it was just me. I suffer also from the much-disdained "mental health" disabilities, mainly Bipolar with OCD, Panic Disorder, and Multiple Social Phobias. I live in a "right to work" state (no union, no laws to help us unless our disabilities fall into a federally pre-defined area), and my last job "layoff" was a direct result of some of these conditions. I'm glad I found your page, and intend to explore it further. Thanks for having this page.


I read the FAQ page on MCS and I found it
very informative and enlightening. I
have suffered from hyper-sensitivity all
of my life and I applaud any effort to make others understand.

Elizabeth San Nicolas

I was thrilled to read your home page. I am short on time now, but I will eventually read everything. I sent you an e-mail on some things that might help others.

Dawn V. Crouse

i was hoping someone could help me,can anyone tell me what a family of muslim culture would do if they have a child with a devlopmental disability. What are their views and beliefs concerning this. How do they raise their children.

Any comments would be helpful


Congrats, Barbara, ... and I don't mean just on this homepage! I look forward to working with you again.... see what happens when your an award winner at UMass Boston !!!!!!!

Carol DeSouza

Hey I like it

Dave Pottinger

Shalom, I found your homepage by chance and enjoyed it. Hope you enjoy all that snow (I miss it since I have been living in Israel for 20 years)

Judy Curiel

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