Borracho Defined

Borracho is a Spanish word which means - DRUNK. We are a group of professionals composed of Equipment Engineers, Test Engineers and Product Engineers. We love to party, dance, sing, drink, have a good time and more often than not get drunk.

How did we get the name?

We once had a visitor from San Diego who we brought down to the beach for a night out. He brought along a liter of Jose Cuervo Gold Tequila and a 750ml bottle of Mezcal. We ended up drunk that night, by morning he christened our group Borrachos Hermanos... thus was born Borracho Brothers. We named him our Borracho Godfather - "Ninong". He has visited us several times since then and we always had a blast. He is now back in San Diego. But that started our fascination and love for the Tequila and a long and binding Borracho Friendship...we now have Borracho brothers in France, USA, Singapore, New Zealand and in the Philippines (Baguio City & Cavite City Chapters).

Gus "The Ninong"

Los Hermanos:

Jessie "Uno"
Bogs "Dos"
Dale "Tres"
Chod "Rano"
Ricky "Sense"
Noli "NoliBoy"
Alfred "Mayor"
Albert "B-X"
Noel "Frank"
Jean Marc "French Borracho"
Armand "Urok"

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