The Scottish Branch of the Ancient High and
Exalted Order of the Knights of Malta
Through the Orange and Masonic Tradition


The Ancient and Illustrious Order of the Knights of Malta is a body of men banded together to promote Protestant unity and to defend the Protestant faith against all foes whatsoever. Cradled in the Holy Land amid the scenes of our Savior's life and passion, it arrived at it hightest dignity when it embraced the doctrines of the Reformers, and under the leadership of Sir James Sandilands, the first Protestant Grand Commander, assisted John Knox in his holy work in Scotland. Since that, the Order has been the faithful ally of the Protestant Church.

The Order of Malta is neither a national or political or Sectarian Association. Instituted in the Holy Land A.D. 1048, it is the possessor of no national traditions. The organization has no connections with politics in any form, nor with any particular church. The members strive for purity of morals, zeal for the Protestant cause, faith in the Holy Scriptures as the infallible rule of faith and life, belief in the Holy Trinity as expressed in the Apostles' Creed and reliance upon Christ as the only mediator. This order has no affiliation in any way with any other Order. It is the lineal descendent of the Scottish branch of the Ancient High and Exalted Order of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem.


Note Dames

Two interesting links which will be of interest to all Brothers of the Ancient and Illustrious Order are to be found at:

Order of St John (King Peter II)
Scottish Knights Templar (SMOTJ)

Updated: 3 December 1998

© 1996 Gerard

Knights of Malta

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